1.One who is out to subvert a government=Anarchist
2.One who is recovering from illness=Convalescent
3.One who is all powerful=Omnipotent
4.One who is present everywhere=Omnipresent
5.One who knows everything=Omniscient
6.One who is easily deceived=Gullible
7.One who does not make mistakes=Infallible
8.One who can do anything for money=Mercenary
9.One who has no money=Pauper
10.One who changes sides=Turncoat
11.One who works for free=Volunteer
12.One who loves books=Bibliophile
13.One who can speak two languages=Bilingual
14.One who loves mankind=Philanthropist
15.One who hates mankind=Misanthrope
16.One who looks on the bright side of things=Optimist
17.One who looks on the dark side of things=Pessimist
18.One who doubts the existence of god=Agnostic
19.One who pretends to be what he is not=Hypocrite
20.One incapable of being tired=Indefatigable
21.One who helps others Good=Samaritan
22.One who copies from other writers=Plagiarist
23.One who hates women=Misogynist
24.One who knows many languages=Polyglot
25.One who is fond of sensuous pleasuresEpicure
26.One who thinks only of himself=Egoist
27.One who thinks only of welfare of women=Feminist.
28.One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain=Stoic
29.One who is quite like a womanEffeminate
30.One who has strange habits=Eccentric
31.One who speaks less=Reticent
32.One who goes on foot=Pedestrian
33.One who believes in fate=Fatalist
34.One who dies without a Will=Intestate
35.One who always thinks himself to be ill=Valetudinarian
36.A Government by the people=Democracy
37.A Government by a king or queen=Monarchy
38.A Government by the officials=Bureaucracy
39.A Government by the rich=Plutocracy
40.A Government by the few=Oligarchy
41.A Government by the Nobles=Aristocracy
42.A Government by one=Autocracy
43.Rule by the mob=Mobocracy
44.That through which light can pass=Transparent
45.That through which light cannot pass=Opaque
46.That through which light can partly pass=Translucent
47.A sentence whose meaning is unclear=Ambiguous
48.A place where orphans live=Orphanage
49.That which cannot be described=Indescribable
50.That which cannot be imitated=Inimitable
51.That which cannot be avoided=Inevitable
52.A position for which no salary is paid=Honorary
53.That which cannot be defended=Indefensible
54.Practice of having several wives=Polygamy
55.Practice of having several husbands=Polyandry
56.Practice of having one wife or husband=Monogamy
57.Practice of having two wives or husbands=Bigamy
58.That which is not likely to happen=Improbable
59.People living at the same time=Contemporaries
60.A book published after the death of its author=Posthumas
61.A book written by an unknown author=Anonymous
62.A life history written by oneself=Autobiography
63.A life history written by somebody else=Biography
64.People who work together=Colleagues
65.One who eats too much=Glutton
66.That which cannot be satisfied=Insatiable
67.One who questions everything=Cynic
68.A flesh eating animal=Carnivorous
69.A grass eating animal=Herbivorous
70.One who lives in a foreign country=Immigrant
71.To transfer one's authority to another=Delegate
72.One who is a newcomer=Neophyte
73.That which is lawful=Legal
74.That which is against law=Illegal
75.One who is unmarried=Celibate
76.A game in which no one wins=Draw
77.A study of man=Anthropology
78.A study of races=Ethnology
79.A study of the body=Physiology
80.A study of animals=Zoology
81.A study of birds=Ornithology
82.A study of ancient things=Archaeology
83.A study of derivation of words=Etymology
84.Murder of a human being=Homicide
85.Murder of a father=Patricide
86.Murder of a mother=Matricide
87.Murder of an brother=Fratricide
88.Murder of an infant=Infanticide
89.Murder of self=Suicide
90.Murder of the king=Regicide
91.To free somebody from all blame=Exonerate
92.To write under a different name=Pseudonym
93.A thing no longer in use=Obsolete
94.A handwriting that cannot be read=Illegible
95.Words written on the tomb of a person=Epitaph
96.One who is greedy for money=Avaricious
97.Something that cannot be imitated=Inimitable
98.One who doesn't know how to read and write--Illiterate
99.A person's peculiar habit--Idiosyncrasy
100.An animal who preys on other animals--Predator
101.Violating the sanctity of a church--Sacrilege
102.One who can throw his voice--Ventriloquist
103.A small house with all rooms on one floor=Cottage
104.Mania for stealing articles—Kleptomania
105.Some thing that is poisonus or unhealthy.--toxic
106.Irresistible craving for alcoholic drinks--Dipsomania
107.A number of Peacocks:: Muster
108.A number of bees living in the same place:Hive
109.A number of chickens hatched at the same time:Troop
110.A number of mules::Barren
111.A number of kittens:Kindle
112.A number of wild geese or swans in flight:
113.A number of people gathered together for some common purpose:Gathering
114.A number of disorderly people:Crew
115.A number of artistes, dancers or acrobats:Troupe A number of persons, of the same race, character, etc:Tribe
116.A number of Soldiers:Army
117.A collection of Slaves:Gang
118.A number of judges or bishops:Bench
119.A Collection of books:Library
120.A Collection of Flags:Audience
121.A number of merchant ships protected by warships:Convoy
123.A large collection of trees :Forest
124.A collection of eggs:Clutch
125.A quantity of bread baked at the same time:Batch
126.A bundle of hay:Truss
127.An elderly unmarried woman: Spinster.
128.An associate in a office or institution: Colleague
129.To induce to have sexual intercourse: Seduce
130.A supporter of the cause of women: Feminist
131.One who is well versed in the science of female ailment. Gynecologist.
132.An official numbering of the population. Census
133.An examination of dead body.Autopsy.
134.Of unknown authorship. Anonymous.
135.A man who wastes his money on luxury:Extravagant.
136.A broad road bordered with trees =Boulevard .
137.Violation of something holy or sacred = Sacrilege .
138.Concluding part of a literary work =Epilogue .
139.One who is beyond reform=Incorrigible.
140.Science of diseases =Pathology .
141.One who secretly listens to the talk of others =Eavesdropper
142.One who believes in no government and therefore incites disorder in a State =Anarchist
143.A mild or indirect expression substituted for on offensive or harsh one =Euphemism
144.The murder of a parent or a near relative =Parricide
145. Animals who live in herds =Gregarious
146.A holy book – Scripture
147. Underground caves with burying places for the dead- Catacombs
148.Revolt against a lawful authority -Mutiny.
149.A government of a few – Oligarchy
150.The platform in a temple where idols are kept – Altar
151.The passage between the seats in a church -Aisle
152.A doctor who treats the diseases of bones – Orthopedist.
153.The place where bricks are baked – Kiln
154.An instrument for measuring heights – Altimeter
155.That which makes it difficult to recognize the presence of real nature of somebody or something – Camouflage
156. A place visited for enjoyment or health.--Resort
157. A place where rabbits are kept.--Hutch
158.A place where fruits are grown.--Orchard
159.A partner in crime.--Accomplice
160.A person who devotes his life to the welfare of others.--Altruist
161.A person who looks to the dark side of life.--Pessimist
162.A person who looks to the bright side of life.--Optimist
163.A person who worships idols--Idolater
164.A person who believes in the powers of fate.--Fatalist
165.A person who spends lavishly.---Extravagant
166.A person who remains indifferent to pain or pleasure--Stoic
167.A person who is hard drinker.--Sot -
168.A student who stays away from the school without permission.---Truant
169.A person who believes in God.--Theist
170.A person who believes many God and Godesses.--Polytheist
171.A person who believes in One God.--Monotheist
172.A person who is without sexual organ--Eunuch
173.A person who has unusual habits.--Eccentric
174.A person who has the habit of quarrelling.--Bellicose
175.A person who can not pay of his debts.--Insolvent
176.A place where bees are kept--Apiary
177.A place for keeping dog--Kennel
178.A place where pigs are kept.--Sty
179.A place where money is coined.--Mint
180.A place where batting of cricket ball takes place.--Pitch
181.A person who has a physical constitution like that of a woman---Effeminate
182.Plants with twoseed-leaves:Di-Cotyledon.
183.To supply land with water by artificial means: Irrigate.
184.Unit for human consumption:Inedible.
185.To banish from oneĆ¢'s country:Expatriate.
189.Incapable of making errors:Infallible.
190.An instrument for transmitting the voice to a distance:Telephone.
191.An instrument for recording revolutions:Gyrograph.
192.A knife fixed on to the endof a gun:Bayonet.
194.One who eats all kinds of God: Pantophagist
195.A woman with light-coloured hair: Blonde.
196.A noisy, abusive, scolding woman: Brunette.
197.One who fishes with a rod:Angler.
198.A woman with dark hair:Brunette.
199.A four-footed animal:Quadruped.
200.The process by which the young plant begins to grow:Germination.
201. Make soil productive: Fertilize
202. Make rusty; go rusty: Oxidise
203. Prepare for movement or action; collect together for service or use: Mobilise
204. Fill with terror by threats or acts of violence: Terrify, Terrorize
205. Reduce to minimum: Minimize
206. Use sparingly: Economise
207. Speak in general terms: Generalize
208. Give authority to: Authorise
209. Subject to penalty: Penalise
210. Establish a colony: Colonise
211. Put in danger: Jeopardize
212. Make permissible by law: Legalise
213. Be fully conscious; understand: Realise
214. Arouse horror and indignation in a person; offend the moral feelings or the ideas of etiquette of: Scandalise
215. Compose or produce something without preparation: Improvise
216. Act as a deputy: Deputise
217. Happen at the same time; be simultaneous: Synchronise
218. Say sorry for wrong doing: Apologise
219. Support by means of a subsidy: Subsidise
220. Exclude from society; refuse to associate with: Ostracise
221. Become fact: Materialise
222. That cannot be tamed: Untameable
223. Which cannot be put into practice: Impracticable
224. Open to objection: Objectionable
225. Which cannot be seized: Impregnable
226. Perform the service at: Officiate
227. Found fault with someone: Censure
228. Do not rightly understand: Misunderstand
229. Sail round the globe: Circumnavigate
230. Never to be effaced: Ineffaceable
231. Very easily made angry: Irritable
232. Averse to mixing in society: Unsociable
233. Cannot be deciphered at all: Undecipherable
234. So high that it cannot be estimated: Inestimable
235. Beyond all price: Invaluable
236. Beyond a doubt: Unquestionable, Indubitable
237. Make away with: Murder
238. At the beginning of the day: Dawn
239. Uncalled for; quite motiveless: Gratuitous
240. Those who serve for hire: Hirelings
241. One who believes in going naked on all occasions: Nudist
242. State of being married: Matrimony
243. State of complete continence on the part of a woman: Virginity
244. From parents and forefathers: Hereditary
245. One residing in a country of which one is not a full-fledged citizen: Alien
246. Which cannot be solved: Insoluble
247. Full of words: Verbose
248. Which cannot be suppressed: Irrepressible
249. Which cannot be believed: Incredible
250. A person of infirm health: Valetudinarian
251. A breaker of images: Iconoclast
252. A lover of woman: Philogynist
253. A medicine tending to loosen the bowels: Laxative
254. Disease caught from others: Infectious
255. That which cannot be escaped from: Inescapable
256. That which is not possible to justify: Unjustifiable
257. That which is not possible to apply: Inapplicable
258. Not giving attention: Inattentive
259. That which cannot be withdrawn or cancelled: Irrevocable
260. That which cannot be refuted: Irrefutable
261. Perfectly beyond answer: Unanswerable
262. Cannot be measured: Immeasurable
263. A state in which the succession is through women only: Matriarchy
264. Lasting only a very short time: Ephemeral, Temporary, Transient
265. Deserving all praise: Laudable
266. That which cannot be recovered: Irrecoverable
267. A person who can disguise the direction from which his voice comes: Ventriloquist
268. The art practised by statesmen and ambassadors or the skill in managing international affairs: Diplomacy
269. A speech addressed to oneself: Soliloquy
270. A person who walks while sleeping: Somnambulist
271. A person who is overscrupulous about small details: Meticulous
272. Property inherited by a person from his ancestors: Patrimony
273. Small, trifling ornamental articles: Knick-knacks
274. Fit to marry: Marriageable
275. Nature belonging to men: Masculine
276. A change surprising enough to be called magical: Transformation, Metamorphosis
277. At the age of growth between boyhood and youth: Adolescent
278. Easy to carry over long distances: Portable
279. Easy to shape in any desired mould: Pliable
280. Apply the money fraudulently for one’s use: Misappropriate
281. Interpretation of dreams: Oneirocriticism
282. Specify by name, one by one all: Enumerate
283. Surround on all sides: Envelope
284. Ambiguous words to conceal the truth or mislead hearers and readers: Equivocal
285. Not easily disturbed by sudden misfortune: Unruffled
286. Much too lofty to harbour petty feelings: Magnanimous
287. A graduate of the university of Oxford: Oxonian
288. A graduate of the university of Cambridge: Cantab
289. A lady’s umbrella: Parasol
290. A lady’s purse: Reticule
291. Relating to a barber or his work: Tonsorial
292. Pertaining to tailors or clothes: Sartorial
293. A person who is hard to please: Fastidious
294. A figure with eight sides: Octagon
295. Undue favour shown by a man in high position to his own relatives: Nepotism
296. A statement that is absolutely clear: Explicit
297. A person who cannot be easily approached: Inaccessible
298. To urge a person to commit a crime: Instigate
299. To root out an evil: Eradicate
300. To destroy anything completely: Annihilate
301. The act of renouncing the crown by a king: Abdication
302. Morning prayer in a church: Matins
303. Not only blameable, but can also be proceeded against in a court of law: Culpable
304. Marked by open and effusive exhibition of feelings: Demonstrative
305. Capable of being proved: Demonstrable
306. Of set design: Deliberate
307. Cut off: Amputate
308. Total abstainer from all alcoholic drinks: teetotaller
309. Believers in the doctrine that the total abolition of war is both possible and desirable: Pacifist
310. Direct vote of all the electorate of the state to obtain a public expression of the whole community’s opinion: Referendum, Plebiscite
311. Organized scheme of popularising: Propaganda
3112. Without any variation: Uniform
313. Skilfully planning the movements of troops: Manoeuvring
314. A very sad condition: Predicament
315. So much like one another that it could not be said which was which: Indistinguishable
316. Beyond all power of time to destroy:
317. That nothing can avail to appease: Fastidious
318. The quality of doing the right thing at right time and place: Tact
320. The doctrine that human souls migrate into other bodies of animals: Transmigration
321. That which can be allowed: Permissible
322. That which will last a very long time: Durable, Long-lasting, Permanent
323. The power of seeing everything: Omniscience
324. The power of being present everywhere: Omnipresence
325. Emitting a bad smell: Foul-smelling, Malodorous
326. That which cannot be surmounted or overcome: Insurmountable
327. One who acts between two or more parties: Intermediary
328. Give and receive mutually: Reciprocate
329. Walking from place to place on business: Itinerant, Peripatetic
331. That which can be wounded or penetrated: Invulnerable 332. The loyalty of subjects to their sovereign and Government: Allegiance
333. One who is learned in the science dealing with bird life: Ornithologist
334. Composed of elements highly diverse in character: Heterogeneous
335. At one and the same time: Simultaneous
336. Assailing the use of images in religious worship: Iconoclast
337. The power of reading the thoughts or mind of others immediately: Thought-reading, Telepathy
338. Very pleasing to eat: Toothsome
339. One who can use both hands with equal facility: Ambidextrous
340. Self-generated; free of external incitement: Spontaneous
341. Evening prayer in a church: Vespers
342. To use expressive motion of limbs while speaking: Gesticulate
343. To express disapproval of anything or any person: Deprecate
344. Literary theft: Plagiarism
345. To frighten a person with the purpose of getting something out of him: Coerce
346. A self-evident truth: Truism
347. To happen simultaneously with another event: Synchronize
348. Allowance paid by a husband to his wife on legal separation: Alimony
349. New-coined word: Neologism
350. Examination of the body of a dead person: Post-mortem
351. A drug that induce sleep: Narcotic
352. A person who suffers from nervous disease: Neurotic
353. A medicine which prevents putrefaction: Antiseptic
354. Things which contain elements of the same nature: Homogeneous
355. Nations engaged in war: Belligerent
356. An effect which has reference to what is past: Retrospective
357. A nation that is fond of fighting: Bellicose
358. A substance which can be easily broken: Brittle, Fragile
359. Relating to the sun: Solar
360. Relating to the moon: Lunar
361. A round-about way of expressing oneself: Circumlocution
362. To reproduce a passage word for word: Verbatim
363. Money paid to employees on retirement: Gratuity
364. A person who eats vegetables: Vegetarian
365. A room where dead bodies are kept for post mortem examination: Mortuary
366. To wander from the main theme: Digress
367. A shed of cars: Garage
368. A person who goes on horseback: Equestrian
369. A place where clothes are kept: Wardrobe
370. Pertaining to land or land owner-ship: Agrarian
371. Practice of spying: Espionage
372. Anything that is marked by dull uniformity: Monotonous
373. A door that is partly open: Ajar
374. Substance capable of burning or used for burning: Incombustible
375. A man whose wife is dead: Widower
376. One who knows many languages: Linguistic, polyglot
377. Incapable of being explained: Inexplicable
378. Talking disrespectfully of sacred things; to utter profanity about sacred things: Blasphemy, Sacrilege
379. To compel a person to do a thing by force: Coerce
380. Disease or defect inherited from birth: Congenital
381. Two countries whose frontiers touch each other: Contiguous
382. An insect with many legs: Centipede
383. Science of insects: Entomology
384. The part of the government which makes laws: Legislature
385. The part of the government which enforces laws: Executive
386. Throw light on something difficult or mysterious: Elucidate
387. A medicine that produces the desired effect: Efficacious
388. A law that is not subject to change: Imputable
389. To involve a person in accusation: Incriminate
390. An extremely talkative person: Garrulous, Talkative, Loquacious
391. Afternoon performance at a theatre; a cinema show held in the afternoon: Matinee
392. Commonplace remarks: Platitude
393. A remedy for all diseases: Panacea
394. A person who is indifferent to art or literature: Philistine
395. Amount paid to a person for work done by him: Remuneration
396. A book, picture etc. produced merely to bring in money: Pot-boiler
397. People who revolt against the government: Rebels
398. Too much official routine; excessive use of formalities in public business: Red-tapism
399. Reserved in speech; disposed to silence: Reticent
400. To rise and fall in the form of waves: Undulate
201. To establish the justice of a cause: Vindicate
202. A person with a long experience of military or civil service: Veteran
203. Able to keep water out: Water-proof
204. To take out the man from the debris: Extricate
205. To go from bad to worse: Deteriorate
206. A person who is eighty years old: Octogenarian
207. A bird of passage: Migratory
208. Causing no harm: Innocuous
209. The science of language: Philology
210. Capable of different interpretation: Equivocal
211. Mental weariness from lack of occupation: Ennui
212. Unwilling to do: Reluctant
213. Without end: Interminable
214. Lack of interest: Indifference
215. At the same time: Concurrent
216. In most respects: Substantially
217. In a secret manner: Clandestinely
218. Something that may be imagined: Conceivable
219. Without any reticence or reserve: Outspokenly
220. In a complaining manner: Querulously
221. In a very fundamental way: Radically
222. Beyond all doubts: Conclusively
223. Without regard to differences in quality or theme: Indiscriminately
224. Before one’s mind’s eye: Imaginatively
225. On the surface only: Superficially
226. Without making any noise: Stealthily, Noiselessly
227. Without any mental reservation: Explicitly
228. With a nervous and shaking voice: Tremulously
229. With a great care and thoroughness: Conscientiously
230. Very wisely: Judicially
231. With uncontrollable emotion and fear: Hysterically
232. With Unremitting effort: Tirelessly
233. Looking at the question from the opposite point of view: Conversely
234. Regardless of expense: Lavishly
235. With complete lack of originality: Slavishly
236. Through an oversight: Inadvertently
237. With intention and determination: Wilfully
238. At a very inconvenient time: Inopportunely
239. Before the right time: Prematurely
240. Without reason and poise: Emotionally
241. With skill and resourcefulness: Adroitly
242. Without exercising our own independent judgement: Blindly
243. By artificial means: Synthetically
244. Expressing pride in victory: Triumphantly
245. In a hesitating way: Tentatively
246. In an extreme way: Severely
247. By disposition and character: Temperamentally
248. In a way that no one would notice: Surreptitiously
249. Perfectly and in every way: Scrupulously
250. With unsatisfied longing at: Wistfully
251. In a quarrelsome way: Aggressively
252. Actively and with energy: Briskly
253. Without impartial consideration: Arbitrarily
254. With anxious fear: Apprehensively
255. In a soft manner: Leniently
256. In a winning manner: Persuasively
257. In a sincere manner: Earnestly
258. In a lovely manner: Briskly
259. In a friendly way: Amicably
260. Very soon: Presently
261. In a few words: Concisely
262. By hand: Manually
263. By machines: Mechanically
264. So badly: Fatally
265. Time and again: Constantly
266. For the time being: Temporarily
267. In a manner lacking all respect: Disrespectfully
268. By reputation: Reputedly
269. Of one’s own free will: Voluntarily
270. With the agreement of all: Unanimously
271. In a manner showing good taste: Tastefully
272. One after another: Successively
273. Beyond all hope of recall: Irrevocable
274. In comparison with those of other: Comparatively
275. To be regretted: Regrettable
276. Every reason to be: Justifiable
277. In its appeal to one’s sense of beauty: Aesthetically
278. At the very moment of: Instantaneously
279. Easily influenced: Susceptible
280. Lacking in any sense of responsibility: Irresponsible
281. Cannot answer: Unanswerable
282. Could not be repressed: Irrepressible
283. Absolutely necessary: Indispensible
284. Opposed in nature or character: Incompatible
285. Very much to be regretted: Regretful
286. Cannot be defended: Indefensible
287. Determined not to be turned aside from or to modify purpose: Intractable
288. Of little or no significance: Negligible
289. Impossible to replace: Irreplaceable
290. Unable to endure: Intolerable
291. Cannot be chosen: Ineligible
292. Cannot be reconciled to each other: Irreconcilable
293. Cannot be understood; Difficult to understand: Unintelligible
294. Impossible to pronounce: Unpronounceable
295. Can be divided: Divisible
296. One could imagine: Imaginable
297. Fixed so firmly that could not be rooted out: Ineradicable
298. Impossible to define or explain: Inexplicable
299. Impossible to put into practice: Impractical
300. Without faults: Impeccable
301. Wanting to gain things for itself: Acquisitive
302. Merely humble and meekly unassertive: Submissive
303. Showing Some sign of: Indicative
304. That which was decisive in shaping something: Formative
305. That was meant to be insulting: Abusive
306. That has had a widespread effect: Pervasive
307. Mournful and sorrowful: Plaintive
308. That which do not work properly: Defective
309. That which Ended in failure: Abortive
310. That was intended to avoid being a direct reply: Evasive
311. That which brings a lot of money: Lucrative
312. Too prone to wander from one point to another without plan: Discursive
313. Liable to mislead: Deceptive
314. Intended for defending: Defensive
315. An overdose of: Excessive
316. Deep and thorough: Intensive
317. Causing a feeling of disgust: Repulsive
318. Covered with a sticky substance: Adhesive
319. Apt to be moved by sudden impulse: Unimpulsive
320. Apt to ask questions: Inquisitive
321. Able to remember facts: Retentive
322. Whose purpose is to describe: Descriptive
323. A great deal of: Extensive
324. Land that produces crops of a very high yield: Productive
325. Intentionally irritating of designed to produce a strong reaction: Provocative
326. Likely to lead to: Conducive
327. Apply to the past: Retrospective
328. Contemptuous and haughty: Supercilious
329. Unpredictable and ever changing: Capricious
330. Based on terror: Fallacious
331. Thoroughly unpleasant: Obnoxious
332. One who develops faculties at an unusually early age: Precocious
333. That which is not directly relevant to the subject: Extraneous
334. That which seems right or true but are not really so: Specious
335. Of great importance and gravity: Momentous
336. Polite and showing good manners: Courteous
337. To make the people disobey the government: Seditious
338. Something that spoke about God in a disrespectful or wicked way: Blasphemous, Sacrilegious
339. Claiming great merit and importance: Presumptuous
340. Threatening or unfavourable: Ominous
341. Likely to cause harm or injury: Injurious
342. Having strength or liveliness: Vivacious
343. Containing something printed likely to damage the character or reputation of a person: Libellous
344. Full of turns and bends: Tortuous
345. Plentiful; in abundance: Copious
346. Native; belonging naturally: Indigenous
347. Roundabout or indirect: Circuitous
348. Shocking; beyond all reasonable limits: Outrageous
349. Taking care not to make mistakes or get into danger: Cautious
350. Offering service that is not wanted; intrusive: Officious
351. Taking in unwarranted-liberty: Presumptuous
352. An open and innocent: Ingenuous
353. Motivated by ill-will and spite: Malicious
354. Very difficult to please or very particular: Fastidious
355. Appear absurd or ridiculous: Ludicrous
356. Noisy and cheerful: Boisterous
357. Cleverly conceived and original in design: Ingenious
358. Collection of different kinds of (goods): Miscellaneous
359. Of great effort and energy: Strenuous
360. Likely to spread and influence others: Infectious
361. To have a plenty of space: Commodious
362. Natural and unforced: Spontaneous
363. Trees that shed their leaves each year: Deciduous
364. Almost fierce from lack of food: Ravenous
365. Being of the same mind: Unanimous
366. Hard and intensive: Intensive
367. Difficult; requiring the use of much energy: Arduous
368. Careful to act according to one’s conscience; showing a strong sense of duty: Conscientious
369. Full of a strong desire to do or be something or for success, fame or honour: Ambitious
370. Untrustworthy or disloyal; not to be depended on: Treacherous
371. Suggesting lavish expenditure; rich and costly: Sumptuous
372. Merry or gay, usually in a rather noisy way: Boisterous
373. Delighting in infliction of injury: Vicious
374. Thoughtless of others: Inconsiderate
375. Avoiding extremes: Moderate
376. Permitted by law: Legitimate
377. In proper proportion with: Commensurate
378. Having little or no hope: Desperate
379. Possessed from birth; in one’s nature: Innate
380. Inflexible of will or stubborn: Obstinate
381. Insistent on one’s demands: Importunate
382. Proportionate to the requirements: Adequate
383. Settled and not impulsive or lively; quiet, calm, grave: Sedate
384. Dominated by or easily giving way to strong feelings: Passionate
385. Richly adorned, not simple in style: Ornate
386. Requiring nice handling, critical, ticklish: Delicate
387. Work together with someone: Cooperate
388. Instil a particular set of beliefs into: Inculcate
389. Lower the dignity or self-respect of; mortify; belittle: Humiliate
390. Make worse: Aggravate, Deteriorate
391. Make complex: Complicate
392. Make drunk: Intoxicate
393. Put together; invent: Fabricate
394. Make easy: Facilitate
395. Play the part of another person: Impersonate
396. Make bad or impure: Contaminate
397. Break up land to prepare it for crops; pay attention to; cherish: Cultivate
398. Win over; regain one’s good will or esteem; soothe; Conciliate: Pacify
399. Pull up by the roots; get rid of: Exterminate
400. Utterly destroy: Annihilate
401. Take part in: Participate
402. Make enquiries into: Investigate
403. Soak thoroughly: Saturate
404. Restore to good condition: Renovate
405. Fill with holes: Perforate
406. Estimate too highly: Exaggerate
407. Propose for election: Nominate
408. Fill with fury; make very angry; enrage: Infuriate
409. Turn into vapours: Evaporate
410. Subject to questioning: Interrogate
411. Have commanding influence and position: Dominate
412. Supply land with water: Irrigate
413. Preserve in memory by celebration: Commemorate
414. Try to do as well as or better than: Emulate
415. Enter into; pierce; discern a person’s mind: Penetrate
416. Look forward to a thing before it comes: Anticipate
417. Buy or sell where there is a great chance of loss and a great chance of gain: Speculate
418. Go round axis; revolve: Rotate
419. Go through the main points again: Recapitulate
420. Place apart or alone: Isolate
421. Look at or think about seriously: Contemplate
422. Make pure: Purify
423. calm down angry feelings: Soothe, Pacify
424. Insure against loss: Indemnify
425. Make clear: Clarify
426. Go rotten: Putrefy
427. Put right: Rectify
428. Invest with glory: Glorify
429. Strengthen morally or physically: Fortify
430. Confirm or formally accept an agreement: Ratify
431. Give notice of; report: Notify
432. Make false or incorrect: Falsify
433. Make or become hard or firm: Strengthen
434. Bear witness; serve as evidence of: Testify
435. Check the truth or accuracy of: Verify
436. Make null and void: Nullify
437. Fill with horror, puzzle, bewilder: Horrify
438. Make or become liquid: Liquefy
439. Arrange in classes, put in groups: Classify
440. Show to be reasonable or proper: Justify
441. Make or become more intense: Intensify
442. Illustrate by example: Exemplify
443. Make larger or fuller: Amplify
444. Unite, form into one: Unify
445. The art of cultivating the land: Agriculture
446. Not subject to death: Immortal
447. Of a disposition inclining to cast doubt upon generally accepted opinions: Sceptical
448. In process of dying: Moribund
449. A letter of certificate testifying to one’s character or fitness for a position: Testimonial
450. Handed down from one generation of a family to another: Bequeathed
451. A charge put on foreign goods entering the country: Customs
452. A position in which one has to choose between two courses both of which seem equally undesirable: Dilemma
453. A list of articles in an estate or a house with a brief description of each: Inventory
454. To take by force the power or position which rightfully belongs to another: Usurp
455. A summary of a document in which only the important points are included: Synopsis
456. A state of great disorder: Chaos
457. A settlement to a dispute in which each side concedes something to the other: Compromise
458. To clear from blame or accusation: Exonerate
459. That which cannot be doubted: Indubitable
460. One who is an expert in the art of preparing, stuffing and mounting skins: Taxidermist
461. Food that is tasteless and wanting in flavour is: Insipid
462. That cannot be surmounted: Insurmountable
463. That is harmless, not poisonous: Innocuous
464. That cannot be explained or accounted for: Insoluble
465. That cannot be taken out: Indelible
466. Unable to speak distinctly: Inarticulate
467. Who is incurably bad: Incorrigible
468. Which is not decisive or convincing: Inconclusive
469. Who cannot be tired out: Inexhaustible
470. That which cannot be explained: Inexplicable
471. That can never come to an end: Interminable
472. To spring from seed: Germinate
473. To come to a climax; to reach its highest point: Culminate
474. To murder by surprise or secret assault: Assassinate
475. To surrender especially on terms: Capitulate
476. To maintain successfully the cause of: Vindicate
477. To seize by authority; to appropriate to the public treasury by way of penalty: Confiscate
478. To make up on the spur of the moment: Improvise
479. To remove offend portion of a book: Excise
480. To utter one’s thought aloud when alone: Soliloquise
481. To lay a solemn curse on: Anathematise
482. To have sole control of: Monopoly
483. To drive out an evil spirit: Exorcise
484. To habituate animals, plants or oneself to a new climate: Acclimatise
485. To become antiquated or incapable of further development: Fossilise
486. To admit an alien to citizenship, to introduce into another country: Naturalize
487. Not likely to be true: Dubious
488. Far distant: Remote
489. A scientific study of fishes: Ichthyology
490. A scientific study of birds, eggs: Oology
491. A scientific study of the development and nature and laws of human society: Sociology
492. A study of Chinese, their history, religion, literature is called: Sinology
493. A study of coins is called: Numismatics, Numismatology
494. A place in which public records are kept: Archives
495. A place where birds are kept: Aviary
496. A place where weapons are stored or manufactured: Arsenal
497. The place where bees are kept: Apiary
498. A company of merchants crossing a desert: Caravan
499. A drink made from the juice of apples: Cider
500. A drink made from the juice of pears: Perry
501. A person who enquires into sudden deaths: Coroner
502. That part of the roof which projects beyond the walls: Eaves
503. One who stands under the eaves(or near a window or door) to listen: Eavesdropper
504. Pertaining to cats: Feline
505. Pertaining to dogs: Canine
506. A light open trough used by a bricklayer to carry bricks, mortar: Hood
507. The central stone of an arch: Keystone
508. Place where explosive are kept: Magazine
509. The tall buildings in America: Skyscrapers
510. The flesh of the calves: Veal
511. The flesh of the deer: Venison
512. One who abandons his principles or party: Turncoat, Renegade, Apostate
513. A nut that has no kernel: Deaf-nut
514. Things given, kept etc. recall the past, some occasion or place: Souvenir, Memento
515. A child nursed not by its parents: Foster-child
516. A wound not healed: Green-wound
517. Something to terrify birds: Scarecrow
518. One who speaks for others: Spokesman
519. What does not burn: Incombustible
520. The head of a notorious party: Ring-leader
521. That vote that decides: Casting-vote
522. Relating to the sense of hearing: Acoustic
523. The art of preparing, stuffing and mounting skins: Taxidermy
524. The study or science of population: Demography
525. Drag through the mud: Disgrace
526. Gave and take: Reciprocity
527. Up in arms: Quarrelsome
528. Wise as a serpent: Astute
529. With a sparing hand: Stingily
530. Keep open house: Entertain
531. By fits and starts: Capriciously
532. Busy as a bee: Diligent
533. Diamond cut diamond: Retaliation
534. Neither more nor less: Exactly
535. Keep at bay: Repel
536. Hold at arm’s length: Unfriendly
537. In every one’s mouth: Current
538. Pour water into a sieve: Prodigality
539. Call in question: Doubt or Challenge
540. In the front rank: Important, Prominent
541. Science of diseases of women: Gynaecology
542. Branch of medicine and surgery dealing with midwifery, childbirth its antecedents and sequels: Obstetrics
543. Public slaughterhouse: Abattoir
544. Too strange to be believed: Incredible
545. Without making any noise: Noiselessly
546. Formally renounce the crown: Abdicate
547. Before a moment had elapsed: Instantaneously
548. Not once or twice, but several times: Frequent
549. Not in accordance with the facts: False
550. Go off from the main subject of discourse: digress
551. The last thing anyone would have expected of: Unthinkable
552. Daily allowance of food: Ration
553. Decorate with lights: Illuminate
554. Systematic study of election trends: Psephology.
555. Do away with wholly: Abolish.
556. A shortened form of a word or phrase: Abbreviation.
557. To increase the speed; to hasten the progress of: Accelerate.
558. To increase the gravity of an offence or the intensity of a disease: Aggravate.
559. To turn friends in enemies: Alienate.
560. One who does something not professionally but for pleasure: Amateur.
561. A diplomatic minister of the higher order sent by a country to another: Ambassador, Diplomat, Envoy.
562. A statement open to more than interpretation: Ambiguous.
563. Having opposing feelings: Ambivalent.
564. A letter, poem etc. whose author is unknown: Anonymous.
565. Absence of government: Anarchy.
566. A person liable to be called to account for his action: Answerable.
567. To rise in value: Appreciate.
568. To go down in value: Depreciate.
569. One who does not believe in the existence of God: Atheist.
570. One who believe in God: Theist.
571. One who makes an official examination of accounts: Auditor.
572. The life story of a man written by himself: Autobiography.
573. Life story of a man written by other: Biography
574. Government by the officials: Bureaucracy.
575. Government by the people: Democracy.
576. To take away some one’s right to vote: Disenfranchisement.
577. The science which treats with life: Biology.
578. One who has narrow and prejudiced religious views: Bigot.
579. A member of the middle class: Bourgeois.
580. General pardon: Amnesty.
581. One who damages public property: Vandal.
582. One who does not care for art, literature etc.: Philistine.
583. People working together in the same office or department: Colleagues.
584. Belonging or pertaining to an individual from birth: Con-genital.
585. Men living in the same age: Contemporary.
586. One who can make himself at home in all countries: Cosmopolitan.
587. A person who believes easily whatever he is told: Credulous.
588. To give one’s authority to another: Delegate.
589. A game or batter in which neither party wins: Drawn.
590. A thing that is fit to be eaten: Edible.
591. Water fit for drinking: Potable.
592. Study of environment: Ecology.
593. One who thinks only for oneself: Egoist.
594. One who is qualifies for election: Eligible.
595. To explain something mysterious or difficult: Elucidate.
596. To lay special stress on: Emphasize.
597. A state of perfect balance: Equilibrium.
598. To root out an evil, disease: Eradicate.
599. A speech delivered without any previous preparation: Extempore or Impromptu.
600. A man who has too much enthusiasm for his own religion: Fanatic.
601. An exact copy: Facsimile
602. One who is not easily pleased: Fastidious
603. A medicine that kills germs: Germicide.
604. Work for which no salary is paid: Honorary.
605. One who feels sympathetic towards human beings: Humanitarian.
606. An office with high salary but no work: Sinecure.
607. That which cannot be read: Illegible.
608. A trade that is prohibited by law: Illicit.
609. One who cannot read or write: Illiterate.
610. Science of coins or medals: Numismatics.
611. Misappropriation of money: Embezzlement.
612. A sound that cannot be heard: Inaudible.
613. A statement which cannot be understood: Incomprehensible.
614. One who cannot be corrected: Incorrigible.
615. That which cannot be explained: Inexplicable.
616. A method that cannot be imitated: Inimitable.
617. That which cannot be satisfied: Insatiable.
618. One who is unable to pay his debts: Insolvent.
619. That which cannot be hurt: Invulnerable.
620. The action of looking back on past time: Introspection.
621. A thing that cannot be seen with human eyes: Invisible.
622. Looking into one’s own thoughts: Introspection.
623. Remarks which do not ally apply to the subject under discussion: Irrelevant.
624. A loss of damage that cannot be compensated: Irreparable.
625. That cannot be altered or withdrawn: Irrevocable.
626. The area over which an official has control: Jurisdiction.
627. The first speech made by a person: Maiden.
628. Hater of mankind: Misanthropist.
629. Lover of mankind: Philanthropist.
630. A silly person: Goose
631. A person who lives a wandering life: Vagabond
632. Social position or rank: Status
633. Someone who knows a lot about the subject: Scholar
634. Deeply religious: Pious
635. A building in which monks live: Monastery
636. An instrument used to see distant objects :Telescope
637. A person who is slow to learn: Dunce
638. The path in which planets move :Orbit
639. A permit from an authority to own, use or do something: Licence
640. One who does the scientific study of the sun, the moon, etc.: Astronomer
641. The study or practice of travelling through the air: Aeronautics
642. A person trained to travel in a spacecraft :Astronaut
643. Say a prayer in singing voice :Chant
644. Visit a place often: Haunt
645. Final release from rebirth : Deliverance
646. A person who loves money and hates spending it: Miser
647. An ugly woman: Hag
648. An animal that is cruel and dangerous :Beast
649. Skilful in inventing: Ingenious
650. Say publicly that something important is true: Proclaim
651. To be disloyal to someone who trusts you: Betray
652. Situation in which everything is happening in a confused way: Chaotic
653. A drink usually made from a mixture of one or more alcoholic drinks: Cocktail
654. A loose piece of clothing without sleeves: Mantle
655. A painting, drawing or photograph of a person especially of the head and shoulders: Portrait
656. To make someone angry: Grieve
657. Height above sea level :Altitude
658. To shift people from a place of danger to a safer place :Evacuate
659. To cause to feel no pain: Numb
660. Men who work on shores loading unloading ships: Longshoremen
661. Name shared by all the members of a family: Surname
662. One who is very eager for knowledge and reads a lot: Voracious
663. A flightless bird now extinct : Dodo
664. Storehouse for grains :Granary
665. Animals that live in a particular region: Fauna
666. A place in a house where food is kept: Storeroom
667. A person who belongs to another country: Foreigner
668. Study of ancient monuments and arts: Archaeology
669. Science which deals with the study of living beings: Biology
670. Science of earth’s crust and the interior strata: Geology
671. The art of understanding the influence of heavenly bodies: Astrology
672. To seek protection from danger: Refuge
673. One who presides over the function: President
674. A man servant who serves at the table: Waiter
675. Waste material: Garbage
676. One who makes furniture: Carpenter
677. One who treats patients: Doctor
678. One who can read and write: Literate
679. A place where prisoners are kept: Jail / Gaol
680. One who does farming: Farmer
681. A poem of fourteen (14) lines: Sonnet
682. A book where you find meanings for words: Dictionary
683. A document with a code of laws which checks both ruler and ruled: Constitution
684. A period of one hundred years (100 years) : Century
685. A light pleasure boat: Yacht
686. Short stories with an element of moral : Fable
687. Red or yellow burning gas seen when something is on: Flame
688. A person who writes novels: Novelist
689. A document allowing persons to travel abroad: Passport
690. One who looks only at the darker side of life: Pessimist
691. One who looks at the brighter side of life: Optimist
692. A place where horses are kept : Stable
693. A type of small dog with a turned up nose: Pug
694. Remains of prehistoric animal or plant preserved by being buried in earth: Fossils
695. A place where meals are sold and eaten: Restaurant
696. Things given or received as gift: Present
697. A man who does not know how to read and write: Illiterate
698. A large number of people or animals suffering from the same kind of disease at the same time: Epidemic
699. A book giving information on all branches of knowledge: Encyclopaedia
700. Liquid waste that flows out from a factory: Effluents
701. A living creature that is so small that it cannot be seen without a microscope and that may cause diseases: Microbe
702. Part of the earth where life is found: Biosphere
703. The act of killing oneself: Suicide
704. Soldiers who fight on horseback: Cavalry
705. Soldiers who fight on foot: Infantry
706. Strong rush of air, rain, smoke etc. carried by wind: Gust
707. A person who uses his strength or power to frighten or hurt others: Bully
708. A part of a horse’s harness that goes on to its head: Bridle
709. A sudden rush of frightened animals: Stampede
710. A person who has been found guilty and is being punished: Criminal
711. A person who does banking business: Banker
712. A mad person: Lunatic
713. A person who is in charge of keys of a prison: Turnkeys
714. A person in charge of a jail and the prisoners in it: Jailor
715. One who is unable to pay his debts: Bankrupt
716. Long hard journey especially on foot: Trek
717. Group of people living together: Community
718. A group of soldiers living in a town or a fort, and defending it: Garrison
719. Flesh and Vegetable eating animals: Omnivorous
720. Plants of a particular region: Flora
721. Government by small groups: Oligarchy
722. A policeman in ordinary clothes while on duty: Plainclothesman
723. A person who flies an aeroplane: Pilot
724. Number of books housed in one building: Library
725. A person who studies Physics: Physicist
726. A mark remaining on the skin from a wound: Scar
727. Making someone angry: Provoke
728. Difficulty in breathing: Suffocation
729. Special quality not found anywhere: Uniqueness
730. To make impure by mixing dirty or poisonous matter: Contaminate
731. A person who writes poems: Poet
732. One who is out to subvert a government: Anarchist
733. One who is recovering from illness: Convalescent
734. One who is all powerful: Omnipotent
735. One who is present everywhere: Omnipresent
736. One who knows everything: Omniscient
737. One who is easily deceived: Gullible, Credulous
738. One who does not make mistakes: Infallible
739. One who can do anything for money: Mercenary
740. One who has no money: Pauper, bankrupt
741. One who changes sides: Turncoat
742. One who works for free: Volunteer
743. One who loves books: Bibliophile
744. One who can speak two languages: Bilingual
745. One who hates mankind: Misanthrope
746. One who doubts the existence of god: Agnostic
747. One who pretends to be what he is not: Hypocrite
748. One incapable of being tired: Indefatigable
749. One who helps others Good: Samaritan
750. One who copies from other writers: Plagiarist
751. One who hates women: Misogynist
752. One who knows many languages: Polyglot
753. One who is fond of sensuous pleasures: Epicure
754. One who thinks only of welfare of women: Feminist
755. One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain: Stoic
756. One who is quite like a woman: Effeminate
757. One who has strange habits: Eccentric
758. One who speaks less: Reticent
759. One who goes on foot: Pedestrian
760. One who believes in fate: Fatalist
761. One who dies without a Will: Intestate
762. One who always thinks himself to be ill: Valetudinarian
763. A Government by a king or queen: Monarchy
764. A Government by the rich: Plutocracy
765. A Government by the Nobles: Aristocracy
766. A Government by one: Autocracy
767. Rule by the mob: Mobocracy
768. That through which light can pass: Transparent
769. That through which light cannot pass: Opaque
770. That through which light can partly pass: Translucent
771. A sentence whose meaning is unclear: Ambiguous
772. A place where orphans live: Orphanage
773. That which cannot be described: Indescribable
774. That which cannot be avoided: Inevitable
775. That which cannot be defended: Indefensible
776. Practice of having several wives: Polygamy
777. Practice of having several husbands: Polyandry
778. Practice of having one wife or husband: Monogamy
779. Practice of having two wives or husbands: Bigamy
780. That which is not likely to happen: Improbable
781. People living at the same time: Contemporaries
782. A book published after the death of its author: Posthumous
783. One who eats too much: Glutton
784. One who questions everything: Cynic
785. A flesh eating animal: Carnivorous
786. A grass eating animal: Herbivorous
787. One who lives in a foreign country: Immigrant
788. To transfer one's authority to another: Delegate
789. One who is a newcomer: Neophyte
790. That which is lawful: Legal
791. That which is against law: Illegal
792. One who is unmarried: Celibate
793. A study of man: Anthropology
794. A study of races: Ethnology
795. A study of the body: Physiology
796. A study of animals: Zoology
797. A study of birds: Ornithology
798. A study of ancient things: Archaeology
799. A study of derivation of words: Etymology
800. Murder of a human being: Homicide
01. Murder of a father: Patricide
802. Murder of a mother: Matricide
803. Murder of an brother: Fratricide
804. Murder of an infant: Infanticide
805. Murder of the king: Regicide
806. To free somebody from all blame: Exonerate, absolve from
807. To write under a different name: Pseudonym
808. A thing no longer in use: Obsolete
809. Words written on the tomb of a person: Epitaph
810. One who is greedy for money: Avaricious
811. A person's peculiar habit: Idiosyncrasy
812. An animal who preys on other animals: Predator
813. Violating the sanctity of a church: Sacrilege
814. Not normal: Abnormal
815. Go with: Accompany
816. Succeed in doing: Accomplish
817. Take as one's own: Adopt
818. By oneself: Alone
819. Once a year: Annually
820. Become invisible: Disappear
821. Express approval by clapping: Applaud
822. Loud enough to be heard: Audible
823. Keep oneself away from: Avoid
824. At the back of: Behind
825. Not sharp: Blunt
826. Period of 100 years: Century
827. Low in cost or value: Cheap
828. Comfort in time of sorrow: Console
829. Never ending: Continually
830. Without interval: Continuous
831. Move on hands and knees: Crawl
832. Lame person: Cripple
833. Period of 10 years: Decade
834. Move up one's mind: Decide
835. Go out of sight or existence: Disappear
836. Find out: Discover
837. Far away: Distant
838. Long spell of dry weather: Drought
839. Suitable for eating: Edible
840. Qualified to be chosen: Eligible
841. Leave one country and go to settle in another: Emigrate
842. Put up with: Endure
843. Way in: Entrance
844. Time that has no limit: Eternity
845. Way out: Exit
846. Show clearly the meaning of: Explain
847. Send goods to another country for sales: Export
848. Extreme scarcity of food: Famine
849. Able to bend easily without breaking: Flexible
850. Go or come after: Follow
851. Period of two weeks: Fortnight
852. Easily broken: Fragile
853. Physically weak: Frail
854. Small articles of dress, sewing-goods, etc: Haberdashery
855. Suitable for living in: Habitable
856. An animal's or plant's natural environment: Habitat
857. Doing something constantly: Habitual
858. Argue about price of goods: Haggle
859. Suffering from a mental or physical disability: Handicapped
860. Spend the winter in sleep: Hibernate
861. Push roughly: Hustle
862. Who or what a person is: Identity
863. Doing no work or lazy: Idle
864. Light up: Illuminate
865. Make clear by examples or pictures: Illustrate
866. Without any delay: Immediately
867. Come into a foreign country as a permanent resident: Immigrate
868. Living forever: Immortal
869. Become better: Improve
870. Incapable of being wrong: Infallible
871. Not guilty: Innocent
872. Cannot be conquered: Invincible
873. Cannot be seen: Invisible
874. Cannot be repaired: Irreparable
875. Unable to walk normally: Lame
876. Person who is insane or very foolish: Lunatic
877. Dumb person: Mute
878. Person living next door: Neighbour
879. Well-known in an unfavourable way: Notorious
880. Happening from time to time: Occasionally
881. Person who takes a hopeful views of things: Optimist
882. Father and mother: Parents
883. Person walking in a street: Pedestrian
884. Person who takes a gloomy views of things: Pessimist
885. Science and art of government: Politics
886. Liked by many people: Popular
887. Put off until a later time: Postpone
888. On time: Punctual
889. Four-legged animal: Quadruped
890. With little or no sound: Quiet
891. Again and again: Repeatedly
892. Come or go back: Return
893. Make known: Reveal
894. Turn round: Revolve
895. Make along piercing cry or sound: Scream
896. Loud cry: Shout
897. In a short time: Soon
898. Person who watches a show or game or incident: Spectator
899. Not fresh: Stale
900. Look long and steadily: Stare
901. Remain alive or in existence: Survive
902. Go from one place to another: Travel
903. Able to be seen through: Transparent
904. Not occupied: Uninhabited
905. Of no use: Useless
906. Surrounding district: Vicinity
907. Once a week: Weekly
908. Speak softly: Whisper
909. Young person: Youth
910. Group of people who watch a show: Audience
911. Having an evil reputation: Notorious
912. One who is new to a profession:
913. Collection of coins: Numismatics
914. Fear of darkness: Nyctophobia and Scotophobia
915. One which is not in use, out-dated: Obsolete
916. Study of mountains: Orography
917. Fear of mountains: Alpine phobia
918. Fear of snakes: Ophidiophobia or ophiophobia
919. A child whose parents are dead: Orphan
920. Study Of Correct spelling: Orthography
921. Study of ancient writing: Palaeography
922. A cure for all diseases: Panacea
923. Fear of everything: Pan phobia or Panto phobia
924. Belief of God in nature: Pantheism. "Pan" is Greek for English "All". "Theism" is from the Greek "Theos" which means "God". "All is God".
925. A temporary release allowed on certain conditions: Bail
926. Killing one's own father: Patricide
927. Property inherited from one’s father or ancestor: Patrimony
928. A home for pigs: Pigsty or Pigpen
929. That which is everlasting:
930. Fear of eating: Phagophobia
931. Fear of drugs: Pharmacopobia
932. Fear of ghosts: Phasmophobia
933. Fear of sound: Acousticophobia
934. Fear of light: Photophobia
935. Study of languages: Linguistics
936. A figure with many angles or sides: Polygon
937. A forecast of the result of a disease of illness: The prognosis (Greek for knowing the future)
938. Fear of fever: Pyrexiophobia
939. Fear of fire: Arsnophobia
940. Confinement to one place to avoid spread of infection: Quarantine
941. A person who lives by himself: Hermit or Recluse
942. Asking everyone for an opinion: Census
943. An institution for reforming young offenders: Reformatory
944. To send back a person to his own country: Deportation or Extradition
945. The art of elegant speech or writing: Rhetoric
946. Violating or profaning religious things: Blasphemy
947. An instrument for detecting earthquakes: Richter Scale
948. A case in which sword is kept: Scabbard
949. One who talks in sleep: Sleep-talking or Somniloquy
950. Killing one's own sister: Sororicide
951. One who is a habitual drunker: Drunkard
952. That which is a government by the military class: Dictatorship
953. Fear of hell: Hadephobia
954. A person who abstains from alcoholic drinks: Teetotaller
955. Fear of death: Thanatophobia
956. Fear of hair: Trichophobia
957. A bride’s outfit: Trousseau.
958. An imaginary ideal state: Utopia
959. Killing one's own wife: Uxoricide
960. One extremely fond of one's wife: Uxorious
961. Fear of foreigners: Xenophobia
962. Fear of animals: Zoophobia
963. One who donates liberally for good causes: Altruist
964. Collection of stamps: Philately
965. Excessive desire for money: Avarice
966. Study of mind: Psychology
967. A speech by the dramatist at the beginning of the play: Epilogue
968. One who attends to the diseases of the eye: Oculist
969. One who tests eyesight and sell spectacles: Optician
970. One who attends to sick people and prescribes medicines: Physician
971. One who compounds and sells drugs: Druggist
972. One who compounds and sells drugs: Pharmacist
973. One who treats disease by performing operations: Surgeon
974. One who attends to the teeth: Dentist
975. One skilled in the care of hands and feet: Chiropodist
976. One who treats diseases by rubbing the muscles: Masseur
977. A physician who assists women in child-birth: Obstetrician
978. A physician who assists women in child-birth: Accoucher
979. One who drives a motor-car: Chauffeur
980. One who attends to an engine: Engineer
981. One who attends to sick people and prescribes medicines: Doctor
982. The person in charge of a ship: Captain
983. The commander of a fleet: Admiral
984. One who carves in stone: Sculptor
985. One who cuts precious stone: Lapidar
986. One who cuts precious stone: Lapidist
987. One who writes for the newspaper: Journalist
988. One who writes for the newspaper: Reporter
989. One who writes for the newspaper: Correspondent
990. One who sets type for books: compositor
991. One who draws and plans the design of the building: Architect
992. One who draws plans: Draughtsman
993. One who deals in flowers: Florist
994. One who deals in fruits: Fruiterer
995. One who deals in cattle: Drover
996. One who sells fruits or vegetables: Costermonger
997. One who sells iron and hardware: Ironmonger
998. One who deals in medicinal herbs: Herbalist
999. One who deals in fish: fishmonger
1000. One who deals in furs: furrier
1001. One who works in glass: Glazier
1002. One who deals in wines: Vintner
1003. One who works mending water pipes: Plumber
1004. One who attends to the fire of steam engine: Stoker
1005. One who makes barrels: Cooper
1006. One employed to do excavating works: Navvy
1007. One who makes and sells ladies hats: Milliner
1008. One who sells small articles such as ribbons or thread or laces: Haberdasher
1009. One who deals in cloths and other fabrics: draper
1010. One who deals in silk: Mercer
1011. A professional rider in horse races: Jockey
1012. One who shoes horses: Farrier
1013. One who studies rocks and soils: Geologist
1014. One who studies the past through the objects left behind: Archaeologist
1015. One who studies the stars: Astronomer
1016. One who flies an aero plane: Pilot
1017. One who flies an aero plane: Aviator
1018. One who works in a coal-mine: Collier
1019. An institution for the education in the Arts and Sciences: Polytechnic
1020. The study of all heavenly bodies and the earth in relation to them: Astronomy
1021. The art of tilling the soil: Agriculture
1022. The art of cultivating and managing gardens: Horticulture
1023. The Science of land management: Agronomics
1024. The science of family descent: Genealogy
1025. The study of ancient building and prehistoric remains: Archaeology
1026. The study of ancient writings: Palaeography
1027. The art of beautiful hand-writing: Calligraphy
1028. The art of metal working: Metallurgy
1029. The study of coins: Numismatics
1030. The study of numbers: Mathematics
1031. The art of measuring lands: Surveying
1032. The science of triangles: Trigonometry
1033. The art of preserving skins: Taxidermy
1034. The art of making fire-works: Pyrotechnics
1035. The science of colours: Chromatics
1036. The art of elegant speech and writing: Rhetoric
1037. The art of effective speaking: Elocution
1038. The art of telling the future by the study of the stars: Astrology
1039. The study of mankind: Anthropology
1040. The science which deals with the varieties of human-kinds: Ethnology
1041. The science of the structure of the human-body: Anatomy
1042. The science which deals with the way in which the human-body works: Physiology
1043. The scientific study of industrial arts: Technology
1044. The study of the human-mind: Psychology
1045. The study of human face: Physiognomy
1046. The study of living matter: Biology
1047. The study of plants: Botany
1048. The study of animals: Zoology
1049. The study of rocks and soils: Geology
1050. The study of birds: Ornithology
1051. The study of egg: Oology
1052. The study of mountains: Orology
1053. The study of languages: Philology
1054. The study of origin and history of words: Etymology
1055. The study of stars: Astronomy
1056. The study of lakes: Limnology
1057. killing of a foetus: Abortion, Aborticide
1058. killer of algae: Algaecide
1059. murder of a friend: Amicicide
1060. killer of aphids: Aphicide
1061. killing of birds: Avicide
1062. killer of bacteria: Bacillicide
1063. killer of bacteria: Bactericide
1064. killing living material: Biocide
1065. slaughter of cattle; one who kills cattle: bovicide
1066. killing of whales and other cetaceans: Ceticide
1067. substance used to kill bed-bugs: Cimicide
1068. destruction or killing of a god: Deicide
1069. destruction of the environment: Ecocide
1070. killing of bishops: Episcopicide
1071. killing of a cat: Felicide
1072. killing of a woman: Femicide
1073. killing of a foetus: Feticide
1074. killing of one's own child: Filicide
1075. killing or killer of flowers: Floricide
1076. killing a foetus: Foeticide
1077. substance that kills ants: Formicide
1078. killing of one's brother: Fratricide
1079. killing of fungus: Fungicide
1080. killing of a race or ethnic group: Genocide
1081. substance that kills germs: Germicide
1082. killing of a giant: Gianticide
1083. killing of women: Gynaecide
1084. killing of plants: Herbicide
1085. killing of heretics: Hereticide
1086. killing of a human being: Homicide
1087. killing of an infant: Infanticide
1088. killing of insects: Insecticide
1089. killing of larvae: Larvicide
1090. destruction of liberty: Liberticide
1091. killing of a wolf: Lupicide
1092. killing or killer of one's husband: Mariticide
1093. killing of one's mother: Matricide
1094. reduction of mind by psychological pressure: Menticide
1095. killing or killer of microbes: Microbicide
1096. agent which kills mites: Miticide
1097. killing of mollusc: Molluscicide
1098. substance for killing flies: Muscicide
1099. killing or killer of a newborn infant: Neonaticide
1100. killing insect eggs: Ovicide
1101. killing of parasites: Parasiticide
1102. harmful act appearing to be an attempt at suicide: Parasuicide
1103. killing or killer of one's parents: Parenticide
1104. killing of parents or a parent-like close relative: Parricide
1105. killing of one's father: Patricide
1106. killer of partridges: Perdricide
1107. killing of pests: Pesticide
1108. killing of offspring; killing of the human race: Prolicide
1109. flea-killer: Pullicide
1110. substance or person who kills rats: Raticide
1111. killing of a monarch: Regicide
1112. killing of rodents: Rodenticide
1113. killing of old men: Senicide
1114. killing or killer of a snake: Serpenticide
1115. killing or killer of a sibling: Siblicide
1116. substance that kills trees: Silvicide
1117. killing of one's own sister: Soriricide
1118. destruction of an entire species: Speciocide
1119. killing of sperm: Spermicide
1120. killing of spores: Sporiricide
1121. killing of oneself: Suicide
1122. killing of tapeworms: Taeniacide
1123. killing or killer of a bull: Tauricide
1124. killing of trypanosomes: Trypanocide
1125. killing or killer of a tyrant: Tyrannicide
1126. destruction of a city: Urbicide
1127. killing or killer of a bear: Ursicide
1128. killing of one's own wife: Uxoricide
1129. killing or killer of a prophet: Vaticide
1130. destroying the meaning of a word: Verbicide
1131. killing of worms: Vermicide
1132. substance or person who kills wasps: Vespacide
1133. killing of viruses: Virucide
1134. killing of a fox: Vulpicide
1135. something that kills weeds: Weedicide
Violating the sanctity of a church Sacrilege
2.One who is recovering from illness=Convalescent
3.One who is all powerful=Omnipotent
4.One who is present everywhere=Omnipresent
5.One who knows everything=Omniscient
6.One who is easily deceived=Gullible
7.One who does not make mistakes=Infallible
8.One who can do anything for money=Mercenary
9.One who has no money=Pauper
10.One who changes sides=Turncoat
11.One who works for free=Volunteer
12.One who loves books=Bibliophile
13.One who can speak two languages=Bilingual
14.One who loves mankind=Philanthropist
15.One who hates mankind=Misanthrope
16.One who looks on the bright side of things=Optimist
17.One who looks on the dark side of things=Pessimist
18.One who doubts the existence of god=Agnostic
19.One who pretends to be what he is not=Hypocrite
20.One incapable of being tired=Indefatigable
21.One who helps others Good=Samaritan
22.One who copies from other writers=Plagiarist
23.One who hates women=Misogynist
24.One who knows many languages=Polyglot
25.One who is fond of sensuous pleasuresEpicure
26.One who thinks only of himself=Egoist
27.One who thinks only of welfare of women=Feminist.
28.One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain=Stoic
29.One who is quite like a womanEffeminate
30.One who has strange habits=Eccentric
31.One who speaks less=Reticent
32.One who goes on foot=Pedestrian
33.One who believes in fate=Fatalist
34.One who dies without a Will=Intestate
35.One who always thinks himself to be ill=Valetudinarian
36.A Government by the people=Democracy
37.A Government by a king or queen=Monarchy
38.A Government by the officials=Bureaucracy
39.A Government by the rich=Plutocracy
40.A Government by the few=Oligarchy
41.A Government by the Nobles=Aristocracy
42.A Government by one=Autocracy
43.Rule by the mob=Mobocracy
44.That through which light can pass=Transparent
45.That through which light cannot pass=Opaque
46.That through which light can partly pass=Translucent
47.A sentence whose meaning is unclear=Ambiguous
48.A place where orphans live=Orphanage
49.That which cannot be described=Indescribable
50.That which cannot be imitated=Inimitable
51.That which cannot be avoided=Inevitable
52.A position for which no salary is paid=Honorary
53.That which cannot be defended=Indefensible
54.Practice of having several wives=Polygamy
55.Practice of having several husbands=Polyandry
56.Practice of having one wife or husband=Monogamy
57.Practice of having two wives or husbands=Bigamy
58.That which is not likely to happen=Improbable
59.People living at the same time=Contemporaries
60.A book published after the death of its author=Posthumas
61.A book written by an unknown author=Anonymous
62.A life history written by oneself=Autobiography
63.A life history written by somebody else=Biography
64.People who work together=Colleagues
65.One who eats too much=Glutton
66.That which cannot be satisfied=Insatiable
67.One who questions everything=Cynic
68.A flesh eating animal=Carnivorous
69.A grass eating animal=Herbivorous
70.One who lives in a foreign country=Immigrant
71.To transfer one's authority to another=Delegate
72.One who is a newcomer=Neophyte
73.That which is lawful=Legal
74.That which is against law=Illegal
75.One who is unmarried=Celibate
76.A game in which no one wins=Draw
77.A study of man=Anthropology
78.A study of races=Ethnology
79.A study of the body=Physiology
80.A study of animals=Zoology
81.A study of birds=Ornithology
82.A study of ancient things=Archaeology
83.A study of derivation of words=Etymology
84.Murder of a human being=Homicide
85.Murder of a father=Patricide
86.Murder of a mother=Matricide
87.Murder of an brother=Fratricide
88.Murder of an infant=Infanticide
89.Murder of self=Suicide
90.Murder of the king=Regicide
91.To free somebody from all blame=Exonerate
92.To write under a different name=Pseudonym
93.A thing no longer in use=Obsolete
94.A handwriting that cannot be read=Illegible
95.Words written on the tomb of a person=Epitaph
96.One who is greedy for money=Avaricious
97.Something that cannot be imitated=Inimitable
98.One who doesn't know how to read and write--Illiterate
99.A person's peculiar habit--Idiosyncrasy
100.An animal who preys on other animals--Predator
101.Violating the sanctity of a church--Sacrilege
102.One who can throw his voice--Ventriloquist
103.A small house with all rooms on one floor=Cottage
104.Mania for stealing articles—Kleptomania
105.Some thing that is poisonus or unhealthy.--toxic
106.Irresistible craving for alcoholic drinks--Dipsomania
107.A number of Peacocks:: Muster
108.A number of bees living in the same place:Hive
109.A number of chickens hatched at the same time:Troop
110.A number of mules::Barren
111.A number of kittens:Kindle
112.A number of wild geese or swans in flight:
113.A number of people gathered together for some common purpose:Gathering
114.A number of disorderly people:Crew
115.A number of artistes, dancers or acrobats:Troupe A number of persons, of the same race, character, etc:Tribe
116.A number of Soldiers:Army
117.A collection of Slaves:Gang
118.A number of judges or bishops:Bench
119.A Collection of books:Library
120.A Collection of Flags:Audience
121.A number of merchant ships protected by warships:Convoy
123.A large collection of trees :Forest
124.A collection of eggs:Clutch
125.A quantity of bread baked at the same time:Batch
126.A bundle of hay:Truss
127.An elderly unmarried woman: Spinster.
128.An associate in a office or institution: Colleague
129.To induce to have sexual intercourse: Seduce
130.A supporter of the cause of women: Feminist
131.One who is well versed in the science of female ailment. Gynecologist.
132.An official numbering of the population. Census
133.An examination of dead body.Autopsy.
134.Of unknown authorship. Anonymous.
135.A man who wastes his money on luxury:Extravagant.
136.A broad road bordered with trees =Boulevard .
137.Violation of something holy or sacred = Sacrilege .
138.Concluding part of a literary work =Epilogue .
139.One who is beyond reform=Incorrigible.
140.Science of diseases =Pathology .
141.One who secretly listens to the talk of others =Eavesdropper
142.One who believes in no government and therefore incites disorder in a State =Anarchist
143.A mild or indirect expression substituted for on offensive or harsh one =Euphemism
144.The murder of a parent or a near relative =Parricide
145. Animals who live in herds =Gregarious
146.A holy book – Scripture
147. Underground caves with burying places for the dead- Catacombs
148.Revolt against a lawful authority -Mutiny.
149.A government of a few – Oligarchy
150.The platform in a temple where idols are kept – Altar
151.The passage between the seats in a church -Aisle
152.A doctor who treats the diseases of bones – Orthopedist.
153.The place where bricks are baked – Kiln
154.An instrument for measuring heights – Altimeter
155.That which makes it difficult to recognize the presence of real nature of somebody or something – Camouflage
156. A place visited for enjoyment or health.--Resort
157. A place where rabbits are kept.--Hutch
158.A place where fruits are grown.--Orchard
159.A partner in crime.--Accomplice
160.A person who devotes his life to the welfare of others.--Altruist
161.A person who looks to the dark side of life.--Pessimist
162.A person who looks to the bright side of life.--Optimist
163.A person who worships idols--Idolater
164.A person who believes in the powers of fate.--Fatalist
165.A person who spends lavishly.---Extravagant
166.A person who remains indifferent to pain or pleasure--Stoic
167.A person who is hard drinker.--Sot -
168.A student who stays away from the school without permission.---Truant
169.A person who believes in God.--Theist
170.A person who believes many God and Godesses.--Polytheist
171.A person who believes in One God.--Monotheist
172.A person who is without sexual organ--Eunuch
173.A person who has unusual habits.--Eccentric
174.A person who has the habit of quarrelling.--Bellicose
175.A person who can not pay of his debts.--Insolvent
176.A place where bees are kept--Apiary
177.A place for keeping dog--Kennel
178.A place where pigs are kept.--Sty
179.A place where money is coined.--Mint
180.A place where batting of cricket ball takes place.--Pitch
181.A person who has a physical constitution like that of a woman---Effeminate
182.Plants with twoseed-leaves:Di-Cotyledon.
183.To supply land with water by artificial means: Irrigate.
184.Unit for human consumption:Inedible.
185.To banish from oneĆ¢'s country:Expatriate.
189.Incapable of making errors:Infallible.
190.An instrument for transmitting the voice to a distance:Telephone.
191.An instrument for recording revolutions:Gyrograph.
192.A knife fixed on to the endof a gun:Bayonet.
194.One who eats all kinds of God: Pantophagist
195.A woman with light-coloured hair: Blonde.
196.A noisy, abusive, scolding woman: Brunette.
197.One who fishes with a rod:Angler.
198.A woman with dark hair:Brunette.
199.A four-footed animal:Quadruped.
200.The process by which the young plant begins to grow:Germination.
201. Make soil productive: Fertilize
202. Make rusty; go rusty: Oxidise
203. Prepare for movement or action; collect together for service or use: Mobilise
204. Fill with terror by threats or acts of violence: Terrify, Terrorize
205. Reduce to minimum: Minimize
206. Use sparingly: Economise
207. Speak in general terms: Generalize
208. Give authority to: Authorise
209. Subject to penalty: Penalise
210. Establish a colony: Colonise
211. Put in danger: Jeopardize
212. Make permissible by law: Legalise
213. Be fully conscious; understand: Realise
214. Arouse horror and indignation in a person; offend the moral feelings or the ideas of etiquette of: Scandalise
215. Compose or produce something without preparation: Improvise
216. Act as a deputy: Deputise
217. Happen at the same time; be simultaneous: Synchronise
218. Say sorry for wrong doing: Apologise
219. Support by means of a subsidy: Subsidise
220. Exclude from society; refuse to associate with: Ostracise
221. Become fact: Materialise
222. That cannot be tamed: Untameable
223. Which cannot be put into practice: Impracticable
224. Open to objection: Objectionable
225. Which cannot be seized: Impregnable
226. Perform the service at: Officiate
227. Found fault with someone: Censure
228. Do not rightly understand: Misunderstand
229. Sail round the globe: Circumnavigate
230. Never to be effaced: Ineffaceable
231. Very easily made angry: Irritable
232. Averse to mixing in society: Unsociable
233. Cannot be deciphered at all: Undecipherable
234. So high that it cannot be estimated: Inestimable
235. Beyond all price: Invaluable
236. Beyond a doubt: Unquestionable, Indubitable
237. Make away with: Murder
238. At the beginning of the day: Dawn
239. Uncalled for; quite motiveless: Gratuitous
240. Those who serve for hire: Hirelings
241. One who believes in going naked on all occasions: Nudist
242. State of being married: Matrimony
243. State of complete continence on the part of a woman: Virginity
244. From parents and forefathers: Hereditary
245. One residing in a country of which one is not a full-fledged citizen: Alien
246. Which cannot be solved: Insoluble
247. Full of words: Verbose
248. Which cannot be suppressed: Irrepressible
249. Which cannot be believed: Incredible
250. A person of infirm health: Valetudinarian
251. A breaker of images: Iconoclast
252. A lover of woman: Philogynist
253. A medicine tending to loosen the bowels: Laxative
254. Disease caught from others: Infectious
255. That which cannot be escaped from: Inescapable
256. That which is not possible to justify: Unjustifiable
257. That which is not possible to apply: Inapplicable
258. Not giving attention: Inattentive
259. That which cannot be withdrawn or cancelled: Irrevocable
260. That which cannot be refuted: Irrefutable
261. Perfectly beyond answer: Unanswerable
262. Cannot be measured: Immeasurable
263. A state in which the succession is through women only: Matriarchy
264. Lasting only a very short time: Ephemeral, Temporary, Transient
265. Deserving all praise: Laudable
266. That which cannot be recovered: Irrecoverable
267. A person who can disguise the direction from which his voice comes: Ventriloquist
268. The art practised by statesmen and ambassadors or the skill in managing international affairs: Diplomacy
269. A speech addressed to oneself: Soliloquy
270. A person who walks while sleeping: Somnambulist
271. A person who is overscrupulous about small details: Meticulous
272. Property inherited by a person from his ancestors: Patrimony
273. Small, trifling ornamental articles: Knick-knacks
274. Fit to marry: Marriageable
275. Nature belonging to men: Masculine
276. A change surprising enough to be called magical: Transformation, Metamorphosis
277. At the age of growth between boyhood and youth: Adolescent
278. Easy to carry over long distances: Portable
279. Easy to shape in any desired mould: Pliable
280. Apply the money fraudulently for one’s use: Misappropriate
281. Interpretation of dreams: Oneirocriticism
282. Specify by name, one by one all: Enumerate
283. Surround on all sides: Envelope
284. Ambiguous words to conceal the truth or mislead hearers and readers: Equivocal
285. Not easily disturbed by sudden misfortune: Unruffled
286. Much too lofty to harbour petty feelings: Magnanimous
287. A graduate of the university of Oxford: Oxonian
288. A graduate of the university of Cambridge: Cantab
289. A lady’s umbrella: Parasol
290. A lady’s purse: Reticule
291. Relating to a barber or his work: Tonsorial
292. Pertaining to tailors or clothes: Sartorial
293. A person who is hard to please: Fastidious
294. A figure with eight sides: Octagon
295. Undue favour shown by a man in high position to his own relatives: Nepotism
296. A statement that is absolutely clear: Explicit
297. A person who cannot be easily approached: Inaccessible
298. To urge a person to commit a crime: Instigate
299. To root out an evil: Eradicate
300. To destroy anything completely: Annihilate
301. The act of renouncing the crown by a king: Abdication
302. Morning prayer in a church: Matins
303. Not only blameable, but can also be proceeded against in a court of law: Culpable
304. Marked by open and effusive exhibition of feelings: Demonstrative
305. Capable of being proved: Demonstrable
306. Of set design: Deliberate
307. Cut off: Amputate
308. Total abstainer from all alcoholic drinks: teetotaller
309. Believers in the doctrine that the total abolition of war is both possible and desirable: Pacifist
310. Direct vote of all the electorate of the state to obtain a public expression of the whole community’s opinion: Referendum, Plebiscite
311. Organized scheme of popularising: Propaganda
3112. Without any variation: Uniform
313. Skilfully planning the movements of troops: Manoeuvring
314. A very sad condition: Predicament
315. So much like one another that it could not be said which was which: Indistinguishable
316. Beyond all power of time to destroy:
317. That nothing can avail to appease: Fastidious
318. The quality of doing the right thing at right time and place: Tact
320. The doctrine that human souls migrate into other bodies of animals: Transmigration
321. That which can be allowed: Permissible
322. That which will last a very long time: Durable, Long-lasting, Permanent
323. The power of seeing everything: Omniscience
324. The power of being present everywhere: Omnipresence
325. Emitting a bad smell: Foul-smelling, Malodorous
326. That which cannot be surmounted or overcome: Insurmountable
327. One who acts between two or more parties: Intermediary
328. Give and receive mutually: Reciprocate
329. Walking from place to place on business: Itinerant, Peripatetic
331. That which can be wounded or penetrated: Invulnerable 332. The loyalty of subjects to their sovereign and Government: Allegiance
333. One who is learned in the science dealing with bird life: Ornithologist
334. Composed of elements highly diverse in character: Heterogeneous
335. At one and the same time: Simultaneous
336. Assailing the use of images in religious worship: Iconoclast
337. The power of reading the thoughts or mind of others immediately: Thought-reading, Telepathy
338. Very pleasing to eat: Toothsome
339. One who can use both hands with equal facility: Ambidextrous
340. Self-generated; free of external incitement: Spontaneous
341. Evening prayer in a church: Vespers
342. To use expressive motion of limbs while speaking: Gesticulate
343. To express disapproval of anything or any person: Deprecate
344. Literary theft: Plagiarism
345. To frighten a person with the purpose of getting something out of him: Coerce
346. A self-evident truth: Truism
347. To happen simultaneously with another event: Synchronize
348. Allowance paid by a husband to his wife on legal separation: Alimony
349. New-coined word: Neologism
350. Examination of the body of a dead person: Post-mortem
351. A drug that induce sleep: Narcotic
352. A person who suffers from nervous disease: Neurotic
353. A medicine which prevents putrefaction: Antiseptic
354. Things which contain elements of the same nature: Homogeneous
355. Nations engaged in war: Belligerent
356. An effect which has reference to what is past: Retrospective
357. A nation that is fond of fighting: Bellicose
358. A substance which can be easily broken: Brittle, Fragile
359. Relating to the sun: Solar
360. Relating to the moon: Lunar
361. A round-about way of expressing oneself: Circumlocution
362. To reproduce a passage word for word: Verbatim
363. Money paid to employees on retirement: Gratuity
364. A person who eats vegetables: Vegetarian
365. A room where dead bodies are kept for post mortem examination: Mortuary
366. To wander from the main theme: Digress
367. A shed of cars: Garage
368. A person who goes on horseback: Equestrian
369. A place where clothes are kept: Wardrobe
370. Pertaining to land or land owner-ship: Agrarian
371. Practice of spying: Espionage
372. Anything that is marked by dull uniformity: Monotonous
373. A door that is partly open: Ajar
374. Substance capable of burning or used for burning: Incombustible
375. A man whose wife is dead: Widower
376. One who knows many languages: Linguistic, polyglot
377. Incapable of being explained: Inexplicable
378. Talking disrespectfully of sacred things; to utter profanity about sacred things: Blasphemy, Sacrilege
379. To compel a person to do a thing by force: Coerce
380. Disease or defect inherited from birth: Congenital
381. Two countries whose frontiers touch each other: Contiguous
382. An insect with many legs: Centipede
383. Science of insects: Entomology
384. The part of the government which makes laws: Legislature
385. The part of the government which enforces laws: Executive
386. Throw light on something difficult or mysterious: Elucidate
387. A medicine that produces the desired effect: Efficacious
388. A law that is not subject to change: Imputable
389. To involve a person in accusation: Incriminate
390. An extremely talkative person: Garrulous, Talkative, Loquacious
391. Afternoon performance at a theatre; a cinema show held in the afternoon: Matinee
392. Commonplace remarks: Platitude
393. A remedy for all diseases: Panacea
394. A person who is indifferent to art or literature: Philistine
395. Amount paid to a person for work done by him: Remuneration
396. A book, picture etc. produced merely to bring in money: Pot-boiler
397. People who revolt against the government: Rebels
398. Too much official routine; excessive use of formalities in public business: Red-tapism
399. Reserved in speech; disposed to silence: Reticent
400. To rise and fall in the form of waves: Undulate
201. To establish the justice of a cause: Vindicate
202. A person with a long experience of military or civil service: Veteran
203. Able to keep water out: Water-proof
204. To take out the man from the debris: Extricate
205. To go from bad to worse: Deteriorate
206. A person who is eighty years old: Octogenarian
207. A bird of passage: Migratory
208. Causing no harm: Innocuous
209. The science of language: Philology
210. Capable of different interpretation: Equivocal
211. Mental weariness from lack of occupation: Ennui
212. Unwilling to do: Reluctant
213. Without end: Interminable
214. Lack of interest: Indifference
215. At the same time: Concurrent
216. In most respects: Substantially
217. In a secret manner: Clandestinely
218. Something that may be imagined: Conceivable
219. Without any reticence or reserve: Outspokenly
220. In a complaining manner: Querulously
221. In a very fundamental way: Radically
222. Beyond all doubts: Conclusively
223. Without regard to differences in quality or theme: Indiscriminately
224. Before one’s mind’s eye: Imaginatively
225. On the surface only: Superficially
226. Without making any noise: Stealthily, Noiselessly
227. Without any mental reservation: Explicitly
228. With a nervous and shaking voice: Tremulously
229. With a great care and thoroughness: Conscientiously
230. Very wisely: Judicially
231. With uncontrollable emotion and fear: Hysterically
232. With Unremitting effort: Tirelessly
233. Looking at the question from the opposite point of view: Conversely
234. Regardless of expense: Lavishly
235. With complete lack of originality: Slavishly
236. Through an oversight: Inadvertently
237. With intention and determination: Wilfully
238. At a very inconvenient time: Inopportunely
239. Before the right time: Prematurely
240. Without reason and poise: Emotionally
241. With skill and resourcefulness: Adroitly
242. Without exercising our own independent judgement: Blindly
243. By artificial means: Synthetically
244. Expressing pride in victory: Triumphantly
245. In a hesitating way: Tentatively
246. In an extreme way: Severely
247. By disposition and character: Temperamentally
248. In a way that no one would notice: Surreptitiously
249. Perfectly and in every way: Scrupulously
250. With unsatisfied longing at: Wistfully
251. In a quarrelsome way: Aggressively
252. Actively and with energy: Briskly
253. Without impartial consideration: Arbitrarily
254. With anxious fear: Apprehensively
255. In a soft manner: Leniently
256. In a winning manner: Persuasively
257. In a sincere manner: Earnestly
258. In a lovely manner: Briskly
259. In a friendly way: Amicably
260. Very soon: Presently
261. In a few words: Concisely
262. By hand: Manually
263. By machines: Mechanically
264. So badly: Fatally
265. Time and again: Constantly
266. For the time being: Temporarily
267. In a manner lacking all respect: Disrespectfully
268. By reputation: Reputedly
269. Of one’s own free will: Voluntarily
270. With the agreement of all: Unanimously
271. In a manner showing good taste: Tastefully
272. One after another: Successively
273. Beyond all hope of recall: Irrevocable
274. In comparison with those of other: Comparatively
275. To be regretted: Regrettable
276. Every reason to be: Justifiable
277. In its appeal to one’s sense of beauty: Aesthetically
278. At the very moment of: Instantaneously
279. Easily influenced: Susceptible
280. Lacking in any sense of responsibility: Irresponsible
281. Cannot answer: Unanswerable
282. Could not be repressed: Irrepressible
283. Absolutely necessary: Indispensible
284. Opposed in nature or character: Incompatible
285. Very much to be regretted: Regretful
286. Cannot be defended: Indefensible
287. Determined not to be turned aside from or to modify purpose: Intractable
288. Of little or no significance: Negligible
289. Impossible to replace: Irreplaceable
290. Unable to endure: Intolerable
291. Cannot be chosen: Ineligible
292. Cannot be reconciled to each other: Irreconcilable
293. Cannot be understood; Difficult to understand: Unintelligible
294. Impossible to pronounce: Unpronounceable
295. Can be divided: Divisible
296. One could imagine: Imaginable
297. Fixed so firmly that could not be rooted out: Ineradicable
298. Impossible to define or explain: Inexplicable
299. Impossible to put into practice: Impractical
300. Without faults: Impeccable
301. Wanting to gain things for itself: Acquisitive
302. Merely humble and meekly unassertive: Submissive
303. Showing Some sign of: Indicative
304. That which was decisive in shaping something: Formative
305. That was meant to be insulting: Abusive
306. That has had a widespread effect: Pervasive
307. Mournful and sorrowful: Plaintive
308. That which do not work properly: Defective
309. That which Ended in failure: Abortive
310. That was intended to avoid being a direct reply: Evasive
311. That which brings a lot of money: Lucrative
312. Too prone to wander from one point to another without plan: Discursive
313. Liable to mislead: Deceptive
314. Intended for defending: Defensive
315. An overdose of: Excessive
316. Deep and thorough: Intensive
317. Causing a feeling of disgust: Repulsive
318. Covered with a sticky substance: Adhesive
319. Apt to be moved by sudden impulse: Unimpulsive
320. Apt to ask questions: Inquisitive
321. Able to remember facts: Retentive
322. Whose purpose is to describe: Descriptive
323. A great deal of: Extensive
324. Land that produces crops of a very high yield: Productive
325. Intentionally irritating of designed to produce a strong reaction: Provocative
326. Likely to lead to: Conducive
327. Apply to the past: Retrospective
328. Contemptuous and haughty: Supercilious
329. Unpredictable and ever changing: Capricious
330. Based on terror: Fallacious
331. Thoroughly unpleasant: Obnoxious
332. One who develops faculties at an unusually early age: Precocious
333. That which is not directly relevant to the subject: Extraneous
334. That which seems right or true but are not really so: Specious
335. Of great importance and gravity: Momentous
336. Polite and showing good manners: Courteous
337. To make the people disobey the government: Seditious
338. Something that spoke about God in a disrespectful or wicked way: Blasphemous, Sacrilegious
339. Claiming great merit and importance: Presumptuous
340. Threatening or unfavourable: Ominous
341. Likely to cause harm or injury: Injurious
342. Having strength or liveliness: Vivacious
343. Containing something printed likely to damage the character or reputation of a person: Libellous
344. Full of turns and bends: Tortuous
345. Plentiful; in abundance: Copious
346. Native; belonging naturally: Indigenous
347. Roundabout or indirect: Circuitous
348. Shocking; beyond all reasonable limits: Outrageous
349. Taking care not to make mistakes or get into danger: Cautious
350. Offering service that is not wanted; intrusive: Officious
351. Taking in unwarranted-liberty: Presumptuous
352. An open and innocent: Ingenuous
353. Motivated by ill-will and spite: Malicious
354. Very difficult to please or very particular: Fastidious
355. Appear absurd or ridiculous: Ludicrous
356. Noisy and cheerful: Boisterous
357. Cleverly conceived and original in design: Ingenious
358. Collection of different kinds of (goods): Miscellaneous
359. Of great effort and energy: Strenuous
360. Likely to spread and influence others: Infectious
361. To have a plenty of space: Commodious
362. Natural and unforced: Spontaneous
363. Trees that shed their leaves each year: Deciduous
364. Almost fierce from lack of food: Ravenous
365. Being of the same mind: Unanimous
366. Hard and intensive: Intensive
367. Difficult; requiring the use of much energy: Arduous
368. Careful to act according to one’s conscience; showing a strong sense of duty: Conscientious
369. Full of a strong desire to do or be something or for success, fame or honour: Ambitious
370. Untrustworthy or disloyal; not to be depended on: Treacherous
371. Suggesting lavish expenditure; rich and costly: Sumptuous
372. Merry or gay, usually in a rather noisy way: Boisterous
373. Delighting in infliction of injury: Vicious
374. Thoughtless of others: Inconsiderate
375. Avoiding extremes: Moderate
376. Permitted by law: Legitimate
377. In proper proportion with: Commensurate
378. Having little or no hope: Desperate
379. Possessed from birth; in one’s nature: Innate
380. Inflexible of will or stubborn: Obstinate
381. Insistent on one’s demands: Importunate
382. Proportionate to the requirements: Adequate
383. Settled and not impulsive or lively; quiet, calm, grave: Sedate
384. Dominated by or easily giving way to strong feelings: Passionate
385. Richly adorned, not simple in style: Ornate
386. Requiring nice handling, critical, ticklish: Delicate
387. Work together with someone: Cooperate
388. Instil a particular set of beliefs into: Inculcate
389. Lower the dignity or self-respect of; mortify; belittle: Humiliate
390. Make worse: Aggravate, Deteriorate
391. Make complex: Complicate
392. Make drunk: Intoxicate
393. Put together; invent: Fabricate
394. Make easy: Facilitate
395. Play the part of another person: Impersonate
396. Make bad or impure: Contaminate
397. Break up land to prepare it for crops; pay attention to; cherish: Cultivate
398. Win over; regain one’s good will or esteem; soothe; Conciliate: Pacify
399. Pull up by the roots; get rid of: Exterminate
400. Utterly destroy: Annihilate
401. Take part in: Participate
402. Make enquiries into: Investigate
403. Soak thoroughly: Saturate
404. Restore to good condition: Renovate
405. Fill with holes: Perforate
406. Estimate too highly: Exaggerate
407. Propose for election: Nominate
408. Fill with fury; make very angry; enrage: Infuriate
409. Turn into vapours: Evaporate
410. Subject to questioning: Interrogate
411. Have commanding influence and position: Dominate
412. Supply land with water: Irrigate
413. Preserve in memory by celebration: Commemorate
414. Try to do as well as or better than: Emulate
415. Enter into; pierce; discern a person’s mind: Penetrate
416. Look forward to a thing before it comes: Anticipate
417. Buy or sell where there is a great chance of loss and a great chance of gain: Speculate
418. Go round axis; revolve: Rotate
419. Go through the main points again: Recapitulate
420. Place apart or alone: Isolate
421. Look at or think about seriously: Contemplate
422. Make pure: Purify
423. calm down angry feelings: Soothe, Pacify
424. Insure against loss: Indemnify
425. Make clear: Clarify
426. Go rotten: Putrefy
427. Put right: Rectify
428. Invest with glory: Glorify
429. Strengthen morally or physically: Fortify
430. Confirm or formally accept an agreement: Ratify
431. Give notice of; report: Notify
432. Make false or incorrect: Falsify
433. Make or become hard or firm: Strengthen
434. Bear witness; serve as evidence of: Testify
435. Check the truth or accuracy of: Verify
436. Make null and void: Nullify
437. Fill with horror, puzzle, bewilder: Horrify
438. Make or become liquid: Liquefy
439. Arrange in classes, put in groups: Classify
440. Show to be reasonable or proper: Justify
441. Make or become more intense: Intensify
442. Illustrate by example: Exemplify
443. Make larger or fuller: Amplify
444. Unite, form into one: Unify
445. The art of cultivating the land: Agriculture
446. Not subject to death: Immortal
447. Of a disposition inclining to cast doubt upon generally accepted opinions: Sceptical
448. In process of dying: Moribund
449. A letter of certificate testifying to one’s character or fitness for a position: Testimonial
450. Handed down from one generation of a family to another: Bequeathed
451. A charge put on foreign goods entering the country: Customs
452. A position in which one has to choose between two courses both of which seem equally undesirable: Dilemma
453. A list of articles in an estate or a house with a brief description of each: Inventory
454. To take by force the power or position which rightfully belongs to another: Usurp
455. A summary of a document in which only the important points are included: Synopsis
456. A state of great disorder: Chaos
457. A settlement to a dispute in which each side concedes something to the other: Compromise
458. To clear from blame or accusation: Exonerate
459. That which cannot be doubted: Indubitable
460. One who is an expert in the art of preparing, stuffing and mounting skins: Taxidermist
461. Food that is tasteless and wanting in flavour is: Insipid
462. That cannot be surmounted: Insurmountable
463. That is harmless, not poisonous: Innocuous
464. That cannot be explained or accounted for: Insoluble
465. That cannot be taken out: Indelible
466. Unable to speak distinctly: Inarticulate
467. Who is incurably bad: Incorrigible
468. Which is not decisive or convincing: Inconclusive
469. Who cannot be tired out: Inexhaustible
470. That which cannot be explained: Inexplicable
471. That can never come to an end: Interminable
472. To spring from seed: Germinate
473. To come to a climax; to reach its highest point: Culminate
474. To murder by surprise or secret assault: Assassinate
475. To surrender especially on terms: Capitulate
476. To maintain successfully the cause of: Vindicate
477. To seize by authority; to appropriate to the public treasury by way of penalty: Confiscate
478. To make up on the spur of the moment: Improvise
479. To remove offend portion of a book: Excise
480. To utter one’s thought aloud when alone: Soliloquise
481. To lay a solemn curse on: Anathematise
482. To have sole control of: Monopoly
483. To drive out an evil spirit: Exorcise
484. To habituate animals, plants or oneself to a new climate: Acclimatise
485. To become antiquated or incapable of further development: Fossilise
486. To admit an alien to citizenship, to introduce into another country: Naturalize
487. Not likely to be true: Dubious
488. Far distant: Remote
489. A scientific study of fishes: Ichthyology
490. A scientific study of birds, eggs: Oology
491. A scientific study of the development and nature and laws of human society: Sociology
492. A study of Chinese, their history, religion, literature is called: Sinology
493. A study of coins is called: Numismatics, Numismatology
494. A place in which public records are kept: Archives
495. A place where birds are kept: Aviary
496. A place where weapons are stored or manufactured: Arsenal
497. The place where bees are kept: Apiary
498. A company of merchants crossing a desert: Caravan
499. A drink made from the juice of apples: Cider
500. A drink made from the juice of pears: Perry
501. A person who enquires into sudden deaths: Coroner
502. That part of the roof which projects beyond the walls: Eaves
503. One who stands under the eaves(or near a window or door) to listen: Eavesdropper
504. Pertaining to cats: Feline
505. Pertaining to dogs: Canine
506. A light open trough used by a bricklayer to carry bricks, mortar: Hood
507. The central stone of an arch: Keystone
508. Place where explosive are kept: Magazine
509. The tall buildings in America: Skyscrapers
510. The flesh of the calves: Veal
511. The flesh of the deer: Venison
512. One who abandons his principles or party: Turncoat, Renegade, Apostate
513. A nut that has no kernel: Deaf-nut
514. Things given, kept etc. recall the past, some occasion or place: Souvenir, Memento
515. A child nursed not by its parents: Foster-child
516. A wound not healed: Green-wound
517. Something to terrify birds: Scarecrow
518. One who speaks for others: Spokesman
519. What does not burn: Incombustible
520. The head of a notorious party: Ring-leader
521. That vote that decides: Casting-vote
522. Relating to the sense of hearing: Acoustic
523. The art of preparing, stuffing and mounting skins: Taxidermy
524. The study or science of population: Demography
525. Drag through the mud: Disgrace
526. Gave and take: Reciprocity
527. Up in arms: Quarrelsome
528. Wise as a serpent: Astute
529. With a sparing hand: Stingily
530. Keep open house: Entertain
531. By fits and starts: Capriciously
532. Busy as a bee: Diligent
533. Diamond cut diamond: Retaliation
534. Neither more nor less: Exactly
535. Keep at bay: Repel
536. Hold at arm’s length: Unfriendly
537. In every one’s mouth: Current
538. Pour water into a sieve: Prodigality
539. Call in question: Doubt or Challenge
540. In the front rank: Important, Prominent
541. Science of diseases of women: Gynaecology
542. Branch of medicine and surgery dealing with midwifery, childbirth its antecedents and sequels: Obstetrics
543. Public slaughterhouse: Abattoir
544. Too strange to be believed: Incredible
545. Without making any noise: Noiselessly
546. Formally renounce the crown: Abdicate
547. Before a moment had elapsed: Instantaneously
548. Not once or twice, but several times: Frequent
549. Not in accordance with the facts: False
550. Go off from the main subject of discourse: digress
551. The last thing anyone would have expected of: Unthinkable
552. Daily allowance of food: Ration
553. Decorate with lights: Illuminate
554. Systematic study of election trends: Psephology.
555. Do away with wholly: Abolish.
556. A shortened form of a word or phrase: Abbreviation.
557. To increase the speed; to hasten the progress of: Accelerate.
558. To increase the gravity of an offence or the intensity of a disease: Aggravate.
559. To turn friends in enemies: Alienate.
560. One who does something not professionally but for pleasure: Amateur.
561. A diplomatic minister of the higher order sent by a country to another: Ambassador, Diplomat, Envoy.
562. A statement open to more than interpretation: Ambiguous.
563. Having opposing feelings: Ambivalent.
564. A letter, poem etc. whose author is unknown: Anonymous.
565. Absence of government: Anarchy.
566. A person liable to be called to account for his action: Answerable.
567. To rise in value: Appreciate.
568. To go down in value: Depreciate.
569. One who does not believe in the existence of God: Atheist.
570. One who believe in God: Theist.
571. One who makes an official examination of accounts: Auditor.
572. The life story of a man written by himself: Autobiography.
573. Life story of a man written by other: Biography
574. Government by the officials: Bureaucracy.
575. Government by the people: Democracy.
576. To take away some one’s right to vote: Disenfranchisement.
577. The science which treats with life: Biology.
578. One who has narrow and prejudiced religious views: Bigot.
579. A member of the middle class: Bourgeois.
580. General pardon: Amnesty.
581. One who damages public property: Vandal.
582. One who does not care for art, literature etc.: Philistine.
583. People working together in the same office or department: Colleagues.
584. Belonging or pertaining to an individual from birth: Con-genital.
585. Men living in the same age: Contemporary.
586. One who can make himself at home in all countries: Cosmopolitan.
587. A person who believes easily whatever he is told: Credulous.
588. To give one’s authority to another: Delegate.
589. A game or batter in which neither party wins: Drawn.
590. A thing that is fit to be eaten: Edible.
591. Water fit for drinking: Potable.
592. Study of environment: Ecology.
593. One who thinks only for oneself: Egoist.
594. One who is qualifies for election: Eligible.
595. To explain something mysterious or difficult: Elucidate.
596. To lay special stress on: Emphasize.
597. A state of perfect balance: Equilibrium.
598. To root out an evil, disease: Eradicate.
599. A speech delivered without any previous preparation: Extempore or Impromptu.
600. A man who has too much enthusiasm for his own religion: Fanatic.
601. An exact copy: Facsimile
602. One who is not easily pleased: Fastidious
603. A medicine that kills germs: Germicide.
604. Work for which no salary is paid: Honorary.
605. One who feels sympathetic towards human beings: Humanitarian.
606. An office with high salary but no work: Sinecure.
607. That which cannot be read: Illegible.
608. A trade that is prohibited by law: Illicit.
609. One who cannot read or write: Illiterate.
610. Science of coins or medals: Numismatics.
611. Misappropriation of money: Embezzlement.
612. A sound that cannot be heard: Inaudible.
613. A statement which cannot be understood: Incomprehensible.
614. One who cannot be corrected: Incorrigible.
615. That which cannot be explained: Inexplicable.
616. A method that cannot be imitated: Inimitable.
617. That which cannot be satisfied: Insatiable.
618. One who is unable to pay his debts: Insolvent.
619. That which cannot be hurt: Invulnerable.
620. The action of looking back on past time: Introspection.
621. A thing that cannot be seen with human eyes: Invisible.
622. Looking into one’s own thoughts: Introspection.
623. Remarks which do not ally apply to the subject under discussion: Irrelevant.
624. A loss of damage that cannot be compensated: Irreparable.
625. That cannot be altered or withdrawn: Irrevocable.
626. The area over which an official has control: Jurisdiction.
627. The first speech made by a person: Maiden.
628. Hater of mankind: Misanthropist.
629. Lover of mankind: Philanthropist.
630. A silly person: Goose
631. A person who lives a wandering life: Vagabond
632. Social position or rank: Status
633. Someone who knows a lot about the subject: Scholar
634. Deeply religious: Pious
635. A building in which monks live: Monastery
636. An instrument used to see distant objects :Telescope
637. A person who is slow to learn: Dunce
638. The path in which planets move :Orbit
639. A permit from an authority to own, use or do something: Licence
640. One who does the scientific study of the sun, the moon, etc.: Astronomer
641. The study or practice of travelling through the air: Aeronautics
642. A person trained to travel in a spacecraft :Astronaut
643. Say a prayer in singing voice :Chant
644. Visit a place often: Haunt
645. Final release from rebirth : Deliverance
646. A person who loves money and hates spending it: Miser
647. An ugly woman: Hag
648. An animal that is cruel and dangerous :Beast
649. Skilful in inventing: Ingenious
650. Say publicly that something important is true: Proclaim
651. To be disloyal to someone who trusts you: Betray
652. Situation in which everything is happening in a confused way: Chaotic
653. A drink usually made from a mixture of one or more alcoholic drinks: Cocktail
654. A loose piece of clothing without sleeves: Mantle
655. A painting, drawing or photograph of a person especially of the head and shoulders: Portrait
656. To make someone angry: Grieve
657. Height above sea level :Altitude
658. To shift people from a place of danger to a safer place :Evacuate
659. To cause to feel no pain: Numb
660. Men who work on shores loading unloading ships: Longshoremen
661. Name shared by all the members of a family: Surname
662. One who is very eager for knowledge and reads a lot: Voracious
663. A flightless bird now extinct : Dodo
664. Storehouse for grains :Granary
665. Animals that live in a particular region: Fauna
666. A place in a house where food is kept: Storeroom
667. A person who belongs to another country: Foreigner
668. Study of ancient monuments and arts: Archaeology
669. Science which deals with the study of living beings: Biology
670. Science of earth’s crust and the interior strata: Geology
671. The art of understanding the influence of heavenly bodies: Astrology
672. To seek protection from danger: Refuge
673. One who presides over the function: President
674. A man servant who serves at the table: Waiter
675. Waste material: Garbage
676. One who makes furniture: Carpenter
677. One who treats patients: Doctor
678. One who can read and write: Literate
679. A place where prisoners are kept: Jail / Gaol
680. One who does farming: Farmer
681. A poem of fourteen (14) lines: Sonnet
682. A book where you find meanings for words: Dictionary
683. A document with a code of laws which checks both ruler and ruled: Constitution
684. A period of one hundred years (100 years) : Century
685. A light pleasure boat: Yacht
686. Short stories with an element of moral : Fable
687. Red or yellow burning gas seen when something is on: Flame
688. A person who writes novels: Novelist
689. A document allowing persons to travel abroad: Passport
690. One who looks only at the darker side of life: Pessimist
691. One who looks at the brighter side of life: Optimist
692. A place where horses are kept : Stable
693. A type of small dog with a turned up nose: Pug
694. Remains of prehistoric animal or plant preserved by being buried in earth: Fossils
695. A place where meals are sold and eaten: Restaurant
696. Things given or received as gift: Present
697. A man who does not know how to read and write: Illiterate
698. A large number of people or animals suffering from the same kind of disease at the same time: Epidemic
699. A book giving information on all branches of knowledge: Encyclopaedia
700. Liquid waste that flows out from a factory: Effluents
701. A living creature that is so small that it cannot be seen without a microscope and that may cause diseases: Microbe
702. Part of the earth where life is found: Biosphere
703. The act of killing oneself: Suicide
704. Soldiers who fight on horseback: Cavalry
705. Soldiers who fight on foot: Infantry
706. Strong rush of air, rain, smoke etc. carried by wind: Gust
707. A person who uses his strength or power to frighten or hurt others: Bully
708. A part of a horse’s harness that goes on to its head: Bridle
709. A sudden rush of frightened animals: Stampede
710. A person who has been found guilty and is being punished: Criminal
711. A person who does banking business: Banker
712. A mad person: Lunatic
713. A person who is in charge of keys of a prison: Turnkeys
714. A person in charge of a jail and the prisoners in it: Jailor
715. One who is unable to pay his debts: Bankrupt
716. Long hard journey especially on foot: Trek
717. Group of people living together: Community
718. A group of soldiers living in a town or a fort, and defending it: Garrison
719. Flesh and Vegetable eating animals: Omnivorous
720. Plants of a particular region: Flora
721. Government by small groups: Oligarchy
722. A policeman in ordinary clothes while on duty: Plainclothesman
723. A person who flies an aeroplane: Pilot
724. Number of books housed in one building: Library
725. A person who studies Physics: Physicist
726. A mark remaining on the skin from a wound: Scar
727. Making someone angry: Provoke
728. Difficulty in breathing: Suffocation
729. Special quality not found anywhere: Uniqueness
730. To make impure by mixing dirty or poisonous matter: Contaminate
731. A person who writes poems: Poet
732. One who is out to subvert a government: Anarchist
733. One who is recovering from illness: Convalescent
734. One who is all powerful: Omnipotent
735. One who is present everywhere: Omnipresent
736. One who knows everything: Omniscient
737. One who is easily deceived: Gullible, Credulous
738. One who does not make mistakes: Infallible
739. One who can do anything for money: Mercenary
740. One who has no money: Pauper, bankrupt
741. One who changes sides: Turncoat
742. One who works for free: Volunteer
743. One who loves books: Bibliophile
744. One who can speak two languages: Bilingual
745. One who hates mankind: Misanthrope
746. One who doubts the existence of god: Agnostic
747. One who pretends to be what he is not: Hypocrite
748. One incapable of being tired: Indefatigable
749. One who helps others Good: Samaritan
750. One who copies from other writers: Plagiarist
751. One who hates women: Misogynist
752. One who knows many languages: Polyglot
753. One who is fond of sensuous pleasures: Epicure
754. One who thinks only of welfare of women: Feminist
755. One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain: Stoic
756. One who is quite like a woman: Effeminate
757. One who has strange habits: Eccentric
758. One who speaks less: Reticent
759. One who goes on foot: Pedestrian
760. One who believes in fate: Fatalist
761. One who dies without a Will: Intestate
762. One who always thinks himself to be ill: Valetudinarian
763. A Government by a king or queen: Monarchy
764. A Government by the rich: Plutocracy
765. A Government by the Nobles: Aristocracy
766. A Government by one: Autocracy
767. Rule by the mob: Mobocracy
768. That through which light can pass: Transparent
769. That through which light cannot pass: Opaque
770. That through which light can partly pass: Translucent
771. A sentence whose meaning is unclear: Ambiguous
772. A place where orphans live: Orphanage
773. That which cannot be described: Indescribable
774. That which cannot be avoided: Inevitable
775. That which cannot be defended: Indefensible
776. Practice of having several wives: Polygamy
777. Practice of having several husbands: Polyandry
778. Practice of having one wife or husband: Monogamy
779. Practice of having two wives or husbands: Bigamy
780. That which is not likely to happen: Improbable
781. People living at the same time: Contemporaries
782. A book published after the death of its author: Posthumous
783. One who eats too much: Glutton
784. One who questions everything: Cynic
785. A flesh eating animal: Carnivorous
786. A grass eating animal: Herbivorous
787. One who lives in a foreign country: Immigrant
788. To transfer one's authority to another: Delegate
789. One who is a newcomer: Neophyte
790. That which is lawful: Legal
791. That which is against law: Illegal
792. One who is unmarried: Celibate
793. A study of man: Anthropology
794. A study of races: Ethnology
795. A study of the body: Physiology
796. A study of animals: Zoology
797. A study of birds: Ornithology
798. A study of ancient things: Archaeology
799. A study of derivation of words: Etymology
800. Murder of a human being: Homicide
01. Murder of a father: Patricide
802. Murder of a mother: Matricide
803. Murder of an brother: Fratricide
804. Murder of an infant: Infanticide
805. Murder of the king: Regicide
806. To free somebody from all blame: Exonerate, absolve from
807. To write under a different name: Pseudonym
808. A thing no longer in use: Obsolete
809. Words written on the tomb of a person: Epitaph
810. One who is greedy for money: Avaricious
811. A person's peculiar habit: Idiosyncrasy
812. An animal who preys on other animals: Predator
813. Violating the sanctity of a church: Sacrilege
814. Not normal: Abnormal
815. Go with: Accompany
816. Succeed in doing: Accomplish
817. Take as one's own: Adopt
818. By oneself: Alone
819. Once a year: Annually
820. Become invisible: Disappear
821. Express approval by clapping: Applaud
822. Loud enough to be heard: Audible
823. Keep oneself away from: Avoid
824. At the back of: Behind
825. Not sharp: Blunt
826. Period of 100 years: Century
827. Low in cost or value: Cheap
828. Comfort in time of sorrow: Console
829. Never ending: Continually
830. Without interval: Continuous
831. Move on hands and knees: Crawl
832. Lame person: Cripple
833. Period of 10 years: Decade
834. Move up one's mind: Decide
835. Go out of sight or existence: Disappear
836. Find out: Discover
837. Far away: Distant
838. Long spell of dry weather: Drought
839. Suitable for eating: Edible
840. Qualified to be chosen: Eligible
841. Leave one country and go to settle in another: Emigrate
842. Put up with: Endure
843. Way in: Entrance
844. Time that has no limit: Eternity
845. Way out: Exit
846. Show clearly the meaning of: Explain
847. Send goods to another country for sales: Export
848. Extreme scarcity of food: Famine
849. Able to bend easily without breaking: Flexible
850. Go or come after: Follow
851. Period of two weeks: Fortnight
852. Easily broken: Fragile
853. Physically weak: Frail
854. Small articles of dress, sewing-goods, etc: Haberdashery
855. Suitable for living in: Habitable
856. An animal's or plant's natural environment: Habitat
857. Doing something constantly: Habitual
858. Argue about price of goods: Haggle
859. Suffering from a mental or physical disability: Handicapped
860. Spend the winter in sleep: Hibernate
861. Push roughly: Hustle
862. Who or what a person is: Identity
863. Doing no work or lazy: Idle
864. Light up: Illuminate
865. Make clear by examples or pictures: Illustrate
866. Without any delay: Immediately
867. Come into a foreign country as a permanent resident: Immigrate
868. Living forever: Immortal
869. Become better: Improve
870. Incapable of being wrong: Infallible
871. Not guilty: Innocent
872. Cannot be conquered: Invincible
873. Cannot be seen: Invisible
874. Cannot be repaired: Irreparable
875. Unable to walk normally: Lame
876. Person who is insane or very foolish: Lunatic
877. Dumb person: Mute
878. Person living next door: Neighbour
879. Well-known in an unfavourable way: Notorious
880. Happening from time to time: Occasionally
881. Person who takes a hopeful views of things: Optimist
882. Father and mother: Parents
883. Person walking in a street: Pedestrian
884. Person who takes a gloomy views of things: Pessimist
885. Science and art of government: Politics
886. Liked by many people: Popular
887. Put off until a later time: Postpone
888. On time: Punctual
889. Four-legged animal: Quadruped
890. With little or no sound: Quiet
891. Again and again: Repeatedly
892. Come or go back: Return
893. Make known: Reveal
894. Turn round: Revolve
895. Make along piercing cry or sound: Scream
896. Loud cry: Shout
897. In a short time: Soon
898. Person who watches a show or game or incident: Spectator
899. Not fresh: Stale
900. Look long and steadily: Stare
901. Remain alive or in existence: Survive
902. Go from one place to another: Travel
903. Able to be seen through: Transparent
904. Not occupied: Uninhabited
905. Of no use: Useless
906. Surrounding district: Vicinity
907. Once a week: Weekly
908. Speak softly: Whisper
909. Young person: Youth
910. Group of people who watch a show: Audience
911. Having an evil reputation: Notorious
912. One who is new to a profession:
913. Collection of coins: Numismatics
914. Fear of darkness: Nyctophobia and Scotophobia
915. One which is not in use, out-dated: Obsolete
916. Study of mountains: Orography
917. Fear of mountains: Alpine phobia
918. Fear of snakes: Ophidiophobia or ophiophobia
919. A child whose parents are dead: Orphan
920. Study Of Correct spelling: Orthography
921. Study of ancient writing: Palaeography
922. A cure for all diseases: Panacea
923. Fear of everything: Pan phobia or Panto phobia
924. Belief of God in nature: Pantheism. "Pan" is Greek for English "All". "Theism" is from the Greek "Theos" which means "God". "All is God".
925. A temporary release allowed on certain conditions: Bail
926. Killing one's own father: Patricide
927. Property inherited from one’s father or ancestor: Patrimony
928. A home for pigs: Pigsty or Pigpen
929. That which is everlasting:
930. Fear of eating: Phagophobia
931. Fear of drugs: Pharmacopobia
932. Fear of ghosts: Phasmophobia
933. Fear of sound: Acousticophobia
934. Fear of light: Photophobia
935. Study of languages: Linguistics
936. A figure with many angles or sides: Polygon
937. A forecast of the result of a disease of illness: The prognosis (Greek for knowing the future)
938. Fear of fever: Pyrexiophobia
939. Fear of fire: Arsnophobia
940. Confinement to one place to avoid spread of infection: Quarantine
941. A person who lives by himself: Hermit or Recluse
942. Asking everyone for an opinion: Census
943. An institution for reforming young offenders: Reformatory
944. To send back a person to his own country: Deportation or Extradition
945. The art of elegant speech or writing: Rhetoric
946. Violating or profaning religious things: Blasphemy
947. An instrument for detecting earthquakes: Richter Scale
948. A case in which sword is kept: Scabbard
949. One who talks in sleep: Sleep-talking or Somniloquy
950. Killing one's own sister: Sororicide
951. One who is a habitual drunker: Drunkard
952. That which is a government by the military class: Dictatorship
953. Fear of hell: Hadephobia
954. A person who abstains from alcoholic drinks: Teetotaller
955. Fear of death: Thanatophobia
956. Fear of hair: Trichophobia
957. A bride’s outfit: Trousseau.
958. An imaginary ideal state: Utopia
959. Killing one's own wife: Uxoricide
960. One extremely fond of one's wife: Uxorious
961. Fear of foreigners: Xenophobia
962. Fear of animals: Zoophobia
963. One who donates liberally for good causes: Altruist
964. Collection of stamps: Philately
965. Excessive desire for money: Avarice
966. Study of mind: Psychology
967. A speech by the dramatist at the beginning of the play: Epilogue
968. One who attends to the diseases of the eye: Oculist
969. One who tests eyesight and sell spectacles: Optician
970. One who attends to sick people and prescribes medicines: Physician
971. One who compounds and sells drugs: Druggist
972. One who compounds and sells drugs: Pharmacist
973. One who treats disease by performing operations: Surgeon
974. One who attends to the teeth: Dentist
975. One skilled in the care of hands and feet: Chiropodist
976. One who treats diseases by rubbing the muscles: Masseur
977. A physician who assists women in child-birth: Obstetrician
978. A physician who assists women in child-birth: Accoucher
979. One who drives a motor-car: Chauffeur
980. One who attends to an engine: Engineer
981. One who attends to sick people and prescribes medicines: Doctor
982. The person in charge of a ship: Captain
983. The commander of a fleet: Admiral
984. One who carves in stone: Sculptor
985. One who cuts precious stone: Lapidar
986. One who cuts precious stone: Lapidist
987. One who writes for the newspaper: Journalist
988. One who writes for the newspaper: Reporter
989. One who writes for the newspaper: Correspondent
990. One who sets type for books: compositor
991. One who draws and plans the design of the building: Architect
992. One who draws plans: Draughtsman
993. One who deals in flowers: Florist
994. One who deals in fruits: Fruiterer
995. One who deals in cattle: Drover
996. One who sells fruits or vegetables: Costermonger
997. One who sells iron and hardware: Ironmonger
998. One who deals in medicinal herbs: Herbalist
999. One who deals in fish: fishmonger
1000. One who deals in furs: furrier
1001. One who works in glass: Glazier
1002. One who deals in wines: Vintner
1003. One who works mending water pipes: Plumber
1004. One who attends to the fire of steam engine: Stoker
1005. One who makes barrels: Cooper
1006. One employed to do excavating works: Navvy
1007. One who makes and sells ladies hats: Milliner
1008. One who sells small articles such as ribbons or thread or laces: Haberdasher
1009. One who deals in cloths and other fabrics: draper
1010. One who deals in silk: Mercer
1011. A professional rider in horse races: Jockey
1012. One who shoes horses: Farrier
1013. One who studies rocks and soils: Geologist
1014. One who studies the past through the objects left behind: Archaeologist
1015. One who studies the stars: Astronomer
1016. One who flies an aero plane: Pilot
1017. One who flies an aero plane: Aviator
1018. One who works in a coal-mine: Collier
1019. An institution for the education in the Arts and Sciences: Polytechnic
1020. The study of all heavenly bodies and the earth in relation to them: Astronomy
1021. The art of tilling the soil: Agriculture
1022. The art of cultivating and managing gardens: Horticulture
1023. The Science of land management: Agronomics
1024. The science of family descent: Genealogy
1025. The study of ancient building and prehistoric remains: Archaeology
1026. The study of ancient writings: Palaeography
1027. The art of beautiful hand-writing: Calligraphy
1028. The art of metal working: Metallurgy
1029. The study of coins: Numismatics
1030. The study of numbers: Mathematics
1031. The art of measuring lands: Surveying
1032. The science of triangles: Trigonometry
1033. The art of preserving skins: Taxidermy
1034. The art of making fire-works: Pyrotechnics
1035. The science of colours: Chromatics
1036. The art of elegant speech and writing: Rhetoric
1037. The art of effective speaking: Elocution
1038. The art of telling the future by the study of the stars: Astrology
1039. The study of mankind: Anthropology
1040. The science which deals with the varieties of human-kinds: Ethnology
1041. The science of the structure of the human-body: Anatomy
1042. The science which deals with the way in which the human-body works: Physiology
1043. The scientific study of industrial arts: Technology
1044. The study of the human-mind: Psychology
1045. The study of human face: Physiognomy
1046. The study of living matter: Biology
1047. The study of plants: Botany
1048. The study of animals: Zoology
1049. The study of rocks and soils: Geology
1050. The study of birds: Ornithology
1051. The study of egg: Oology
1052. The study of mountains: Orology
1053. The study of languages: Philology
1054. The study of origin and history of words: Etymology
1055. The study of stars: Astronomy
1056. The study of lakes: Limnology
1057. killing of a foetus: Abortion, Aborticide
1058. killer of algae: Algaecide
1059. murder of a friend: Amicicide
1060. killer of aphids: Aphicide
1061. killing of birds: Avicide
1062. killer of bacteria: Bacillicide
1063. killer of bacteria: Bactericide
1064. killing living material: Biocide
1065. slaughter of cattle; one who kills cattle: bovicide
1066. killing of whales and other cetaceans: Ceticide
1067. substance used to kill bed-bugs: Cimicide
1068. destruction or killing of a god: Deicide
1069. destruction of the environment: Ecocide
1070. killing of bishops: Episcopicide
1071. killing of a cat: Felicide
1072. killing of a woman: Femicide
1073. killing of a foetus: Feticide
1074. killing of one's own child: Filicide
1075. killing or killer of flowers: Floricide
1076. killing a foetus: Foeticide
1077. substance that kills ants: Formicide
1078. killing of one's brother: Fratricide
1079. killing of fungus: Fungicide
1080. killing of a race or ethnic group: Genocide
1081. substance that kills germs: Germicide
1082. killing of a giant: Gianticide
1083. killing of women: Gynaecide
1084. killing of plants: Herbicide
1085. killing of heretics: Hereticide
1086. killing of a human being: Homicide
1087. killing of an infant: Infanticide
1088. killing of insects: Insecticide
1089. killing of larvae: Larvicide
1090. destruction of liberty: Liberticide
1091. killing of a wolf: Lupicide
1092. killing or killer of one's husband: Mariticide
1093. killing of one's mother: Matricide
1094. reduction of mind by psychological pressure: Menticide
1095. killing or killer of microbes: Microbicide
1096. agent which kills mites: Miticide
1097. killing of mollusc: Molluscicide
1098. substance for killing flies: Muscicide
1099. killing or killer of a newborn infant: Neonaticide
1100. killing insect eggs: Ovicide
1101. killing of parasites: Parasiticide
1102. harmful act appearing to be an attempt at suicide: Parasuicide
1103. killing or killer of one's parents: Parenticide
1104. killing of parents or a parent-like close relative: Parricide
1105. killing of one's father: Patricide
1106. killer of partridges: Perdricide
1107. killing of pests: Pesticide
1108. killing of offspring; killing of the human race: Prolicide
1109. flea-killer: Pullicide
1110. substance or person who kills rats: Raticide
1111. killing of a monarch: Regicide
1112. killing of rodents: Rodenticide
1113. killing of old men: Senicide
1114. killing or killer of a snake: Serpenticide
1115. killing or killer of a sibling: Siblicide
1116. substance that kills trees: Silvicide
1117. killing of one's own sister: Soriricide
1118. destruction of an entire species: Speciocide
1119. killing of sperm: Spermicide
1120. killing of spores: Sporiricide
1121. killing of oneself: Suicide
1122. killing of tapeworms: Taeniacide
1123. killing or killer of a bull: Tauricide
1124. killing of trypanosomes: Trypanocide
1125. killing or killer of a tyrant: Tyrannicide
1126. destruction of a city: Urbicide
1127. killing or killer of a bear: Ursicide
1128. killing of one's own wife: Uxoricide
1129. killing or killer of a prophet: Vaticide
1130. destroying the meaning of a word: Verbicide
1131. killing of worms: Vermicide
1132. substance or person who kills wasps: Vespacide
1133. killing of viruses: Virucide
1134. killing of a fox: Vulpicide
1135. something that kills weeds: Weedicide
very negative person Pessimist
Violating the sanctity of a church Sacrilege
Recovering from illness Convalescent
Remarks which do not ally apply to the subject under discussion Irrelevant
Rule by the mob Mobocracy
Science of coins or medals Numismatics
Science of origin of universe Cosmology
Somebody or something with the same name as somebody or something else Namesake
Somebody who doesn Vegetarian
somebody who eats human flesh Cannibal
... Somebody who is considerably experienced insomething Veteran
Somebody who works or serves only for personal profit Mercenary
Something said or done without preparation Extempore
Something that cannot be corrected Incorrigible
Something that cannot be imitated Inimitable
Something that has been determined beforehand Foregone
Something that is essential and cannot be dispensed with Indispensable
Something that is quickly and easily set on fire and burned Inflammable
Something that quickly catches fire Inflammable
Spoken or done without preparation Extempore
state of antagonism Hostility
Statements open to more than interpretation Ambiguous
Study of environment Ecology
A number of Peacocks:: MusterA number of bees living in the same place:Hive
A number of chickens hatched at the same time:Troop
A number of mules::Barren
A number of kittens:Kindle
... A number of wild geese or swans in flight:
A number of people gathered together for some common purpose:Gathering
A number of disorderly people:Crew
A number of artistes, dancers or acrobats:Troupe A number of persons, of the same race, character, etc:Tribe
A number of Soldiers:Army
A collection of Slaves:Gang
A number of judges or bishops:Bench
A Collection of books:Library
A Collection of Flags:Audience
A number of merchant ships protected by warships:Convoy
A large collection of trees :Forest
A collection of eggs:Clutch
A quantity of bread baked at the same time:Batch
A bundle of hay:Truss
An elderly unmarried woman: Spinster.
An associate in a office or institution: Colleague
To induce to have sexual intercourse: Seduce
A supporter of the cause of women: Feminist
One who is well versed in the science of female ailment. Gynecologist.
An official numbering of the population. Census
An examination of dead body.Autopsy.
Of unknown authorship. Anonymous.
A man who wastes his money on luxury:Extravagant.
A broad road bordered with trees =Boulevard .
Violation of something holy or sacred = Sacrilege .
Concluding part of a literary work =Epilogue .
One who is beyond reform=Incorrigible.
Science of diseases =Pathology .
One who secretly listens to the talk of others =Eavesdropper
One who believes in no government and therefore incites disorder in a State =Anarchist
A mild or indirect expression substituted for on offensive or harsh one =Euphemism
The murder of a parent or a near relative =Parricide
Animals who live in herds =Gregarious
A holy book – Scripture
Underground caves with burying places for the dead- Catacombs
Revolt against a lawful authority -Mutiny.
A government of a few – Oligarchy
The platform in a temple where idols are kept – Altar
The passage between the seats in a church -Aisle
A doctor who treats the diseases of bones – Orthopedist.
The place where bricks are baked – Kiln
An instrument for measuring heights – Altimeter
That which makes it difficult to recognize the presence of real nature of somebody or something – Camouflage
A place visited for enjoyment or health.--Resort
A place where rabbits are kept.--Hutch
A place where fruits are grown.--Orchard
A partner in crime.--Accomplice
A person who devotes his life to the welfare of others.--Altruist
A person who looks to the dark side of life.--Pessimist
A person who looks to the bright side of life.--Optimist
A person who worships idols--Idolater
A person who believes in the powers of fate.--Fatalist
A person who spends lavishly.---Extravagant
A person who remains indifferent to pain or pleasure--Stoic
A person who is hard drinker.--Sot -
A student who stays away from the school without permission.---Truant
A person who believes in God.--Theist
A person who believes many God and Godesses.--Polytheist
A person who believes in One God.--Monotheist
A person who is without sexual organ--Eunuch
A person who has unusual habits.--Eccentric
A person who has the habit of quarrelling.--Bellicose
A person who can not pay of his debts.--Insolvent
A place where bees are kept--Apiary
A place for keeping dog--Kennel
A place where pigs are kept.--Sty
A place where money is coined.--Mint
A place where batting of cricket ball takes place.--Pitch
A person who has a physical constitution like that of a woman---Effeminate
My gratitudes can't be expressed with any gestures or words put together. This is too much. Too much than I thought can be found. I'm home and dry now. I need nothing else. "Thanks" is not a word or if it is,it means nothing. if it means something,I think that's different from what I'd want to say.
ReplyDeleteKeep on the good job!